
kimkeyy (heidi)

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i saw them come and leave at the airport & i managed to hand key my gift + letter and for the con i made a light up LED sign that said KEY. ㅠㅠ i was pretty desperate for key to notice me LMAO

AWWW LOL did he notice you?? I bet he might remember since you gave him a gift!

oh time flys so fast...i tell u these things..just bc i dun want to see a person pain like me...yeah..u should forget ur saddness ur bad memories soon ...heidii luv u soo much n pray for u sooo much

thank you so much. your messages really mean a lot to me ;m; it's nice to see that you care, even though i'm basically a stranger to you T_T thank you...<3

oh we never forget u n ur kindness..i dun know u remember or not but one time u help me to buy a shinee world ticket..also i cant get visa n afford travel to korea..but when i see a shawol is kind like u...it realy warms ma heart..believe or not i havnt seen our precious boy yet

awwww. i really hope you can come see them soon! anything is possible if you work hard TuT <333

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omgg heidi T^T reading abt ur interactions made me so happy but i wanted to cry huhuuu i miss key~~ i hope he remembers me from LA ㅠㅠ

aw i hope so too T^T <3 key has suchhhh a good memory!

what are the perks of teaching english in korea (other than being closer to idols)? how is the pay and the hours?

It really depends on what job you get, and what kind of school you work at. It can be hard to get a job at a public school, but there the pay will probably be higher and the hours will be more consistent. If you're a full time teacher at a public school, you would work all day, like 8am to 4pm-ish. But if you teach at a hagwon (private academy, where students go after school), the job might be harder because they might not give you many materials or help, and the job isn't very lenient (when it comes to sick days and vacation). Also, the hours will be late. You would probably start in the afternoon and work until around midnight.
But of course, there are also bad public schools and good hagwons, so it takes a lot of research and luck sometimes to find the right one for you.
For the most part, teaching in Korea as a foreigner is a good job, with good pay.

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You will leave even if your contract extends? Btw for fansite friends are the fansites of diff members close to each other or something

If I could have extended my contract I probably would have because I'm desperate to stay in Korea...but to be honest I want to leave my town and live in Seoul. I'm not having fun at my job anymore. So I'm going to go home first and then come back to live in Seoul as soon as I can.
As for the fansite thing, yeah it's easier for fansites to be close friends with fansites of the other members instead of their own bias. Fansites of the same member do all know each other and talk to each other, but I think for the most part they like being close with the fansites of the other members because then there's no competition between them.

기대해 vs 기대돼 what's the difference?

I guess in my opinion they're the same, but 돼 means "become". So "기대해" is like "I'm excited/anticipating" and "기대돼" is like "I've become excited". But basically they can both be used interchangably. The difference is subtle.
Liked by: nuggets

Whats the best experience you've had with each of the individual members?

(part 3: Key)
Oh no...every experience I had with Key is the best. I wish I could write it all T~T omg ok...
Sooo one of the first times I met Key, I was going to say stuff to him (typical fan stuff like "omg I love you and your English is so good and blah blah blah") but I couldn't even say anything because he kept cutting me off! XDDD Maybe he was just so excited to meet a foreigner. He kept asking me questions about myself, where I live, what my job is, why I'm in Korea, etc. It was like a mini interview except he was interviewing me instead of the other way around LMAO I...have never heard of that happening before. I'm still so amazed that that even happened. Like, for an idol to show that much interest in a fan is rare I guess. Usually the fans do the talking haha..
Another one of my favorite stories is when I tried to teach him what "Lockets" are. LOL I was like "you like calling us freaks..." and he laughed sooo hard omg. Like he was embarrassed cuz even he knows how silly that is, hahahaha. I told him "we already have a name in English" and he was so surprised and curious like "oh really??? what is it? O:" so I told him but he didn't know the word.
But the next day my friend Caitlyn went to another fansign and asked Key "do you remember Heidi?" and he said "yeah! she comes a lot" LMAO OMG. Idk. I want to cry. For some reason hearing him talk about me in the third person is so much more amazing ;_; ugh tears. Kibummm. Lol so my friend said "yeah, it's kinda weird." and Key was like "No! It's not weird...not weird." omg...help. Key I love you. He really understands fandom life hahaha ;u; Then my friend asked about lockets and Key said he didn't have time to google it yet hahaha. Eventually I ended up giving him a real locket in Daegu :D
((so sorry this answer was so long and I had to split it into parts lol T~T I can't help it, I get overly enthusiastic when I think about SHINeeeeee hehe))

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Whats the best experience you've had with each of the individual members?

(part 2: Jonghyun)
lmao I have had such bad luck with Jonghyun I think XDDDD every time I meet him it's super awkward. But it's ok, I love all my memories of him. I can't pick just one as best TuT;
Umm a good Jonghyun memory was when I met him at the Everybody fansign right before Halloween and he was dressed like Naruto omg that alone was enough to make me puke all over myself. But when I went up there I asked him if he'll ever sing Gloomy Clock with IU (by this point I'm better at not losing my shit and speaking actual Korean to them lmfao) and he said flat out "no" (he lied u__u). When he said no I was like "WHAT why!? But I wanna hear it~~ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ" and for some reason I went super aegyo and he SMILED AWWW he chuckled at me and took my album back and added a heart kekekeke and that's when I learned that Jonghyun really does like aegyo p__p <3333333
Oh god and one more story because it's funny lmao. The week after that, I met him again in Daegu. It was so awkward because I asked Jonghyun if he remembered me and he just STARED AT ME. Like flat out stared into my eyes. I wanted to die omg. I assumed he didn't hear my question...so I asked again. And he just...kept staring. Like he didn't say "yes" or "no" or "what?" he just ignored my words and stared into my soul I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust fuck omg. I'm STILL SO CONFUSED omfg why was he acting so weird. I think he might have been asleep LMFAO (except not, because he was staring right into my eyes and not into space lmao..eek). So after asking twice and him just staring at me I was like "I just saw you last week in Bundang..." and he like snapped out of it and was like "oh.." and then at this point I was so embarrassed, I was going to just give up and walk away but he stopped me and asked IN ENGLISH "where are you from?" and omg I'm actually surprised I didn't turn into a rocket and blast off right there. I answered quietly (bc literally couldn't breathe) "..America..." and he went "oh really?" in English again omfg. I ran out of there so fast I KNOW my face was red as a damn tomato. I was so not expecting that omg JongGHYUnNHnnnnNnnnn T________T <3333 *cries for ten years*

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Liked by: nuggets Tracy

Whats the best experience you've had with each of the individual members?

omg what a tough question. let's see...
My favorite memory of Taemin is when I met him at the Everybody fansign in Daegu. It was only one week after the last fansign they had in Bundang. So when I went up to Taemin he smiled and said "didn't you just come last week!?" and I laughed and said yes but I was so flustered that he remembered me I couldn't even say anything else, I just covered my face and thanked him and left haha..oh jeez...That really sticks out in my mind because Taemin doesn't usually mention it first if he remembers someone. And Taemin is the only other person besides Key who ever actually said he remembered me ;m; <333
The second time I met Onew, it was during WSS era. And I gave him my album and he read my name and went "WOW it's really Heidi! O:" ...as in, "Heidi from the Alps"...from the famous book/cartoon. Lmao I get that a lot here in Korea XDD oh Onew...yes....it's really Heidi. hahaha. I'll never forget that.
But even though it was the second time I met him, he reacted like it was the first time he saw my name. Key was the only one who remembered me from the first fansign, cuz the first time I met them, during Dream Girl era, they were really tired...it was the day after their performance at Club Octagon. If you remember, the performance was very late at night (past 2am) and it was intense. The fans were crazy and they had to cut the performance short because the fans were in danger of hurting themselves and each other. So SHINee were probably a bit upset. That same day they also recorded for music core all day. I think it was 12 hours, maybe. The poor guys were exhausted. So when I met them the next day, they were like zombies! So the second time I met them I don't think they remembered me. I don't blame them XD
As for Minho, I haven't had many super interesting conversations with him, but he is super cute and polite. When I met him the second time (since I assume he didn't remember the first time lol), he busted out probably all of the English he knows in like 6 seconds and didn't let me say anything bahahahaha. He just kept talking, "Hello nice to meet you how are you thanks for coming see you next time goodbye" LOL I laughed so much oh man he's so cute.
((This answer is too big for my ask so I'm going to split it into parts OTL sorry lmao ))

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Liked by: nuggets Limxinyi Tracy

hiiiii heidiiii...long time nooo see..where were u dear...oh we miss u"cry"

hiiii!!! i knooowww i'm sorry...i've been sooo sooooooo busy and life is a mess...super hectic. i got depressed for a long time and ever since then i've been trying to get better and fix myself, but life is also super busy so i haven't had time to go on twitter much. i haven't been paying enough attention to shinee, it's making me so sad! i want to come back...i'm leaving korea soon, so that's one reason i'm super busy, i'm not ready to leave, and i have so much work to do! ahhh help XDDD anyway i hope i can come back to shinee world soon T^T don't forget me!

I know this is old/lame question..but wht do u think abt SHINee relationship? I happen to watch beatles code where they discuss abt their reltnship & how onew never hang out with other members. I hd bitter feeling abt this..but i think they are really close just like siblings.. & now im afraid with

of course they have a good relationship! I think they are close like family. but everyone needs to get away from their family sometimes. they live together and work together all day every day, so it's not surprising that most of the time they go out to do things with other friends or alone. i just think they want time to themselves ^^ but there's no denying that shinee has a strong bond!! so don't worry too much :)
Liked by: Pirilinee

Maybe i'll just go study in korea when i get older xD but for now i'll just go for a vacation there or something. I've never been there before :p

it's up to you! ^^ but korea is a great place. i do recommend it
Liked by: Rick Grimes

Do you ever met JonghyunA's fansite master? Coz i heard the master is a fanboy. LOL

i heard that too! but to my knowledge i've never met or seen him haha. in over one year of shinee events and fansigns, i've only seen a male fan just a small handful of times. maybe one of those times it was him, but no way for me to know keke

Im not really someone that likes to travel by myself and i can get really scared when im alone, especially when im in a country where i can hardly understand their language. I do know some korean here and there but if you were to call me to go there by myself i dont think i'd understand them :/

ahh. i understand being scared to travel to a foreign country. i was scared too. but you shouldn't be scared! people here are sooo friendly, and you can definitely survive in seoul using only english! i know of people who have lived here for years and still don't know any korean. but if you learn, it just makes life better ^^
anyway, don't be scared and take the chance!! everything will definitely be okay :)

Do you think SHINee recognises their own fansites like Jonghyun going "oh thats OIAM" or Taemin going "thats TAEMINing" and so on hahahaha

yes i think they do! but one thing people should know about fansites is that there are many people who work for them. it's impossible to do all that work on your own. so there's masters, admins, editors, photographers, etc.
so even if you see a fansite tweet a picture of a signature they recieved at a fansign, "to <fansite name>", it's probably because they write the fansite name on their nametag/stickynote. any of the workers could recieve that sign, not only the master.
but still i think idols can sometimes recognize their fansites by face, especially very old sites who have met them at fansigns many many times.
but when it comes to events/performances and eye contact photos, it's usually because the idols look for the cameras and give eye contact on purpose. any camera pointed at them, they'll give some eye contact. even i've gotten eye contact photos! haha. if it's a dark room and people in the audience all have cameras in front of their face, all the idols see is a camera lens. they probably can't recognize who is behind it during that short glance. that's what i think.

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Liked by: T.

Are you close to any of the fansite masters? Have you talked to them before in real life or on twitter?

i'm only close friends with one site master and she doesn't run a very large site. i also sometimes talk with a photographer. but i don't really TRY to make friends with fansite masters. it's hard to meet them in person at events. they (esp the large sites) are really into their jobs and usually don't care about much else. so they're mostly only friends with each other and can be a little cliquey. that's how they become so successful! XD because they can't really let strangers into their circle, the secrets of running a fansite are strictly kept. so they are comfortable making friends with other fansites for the most part.
Liked by: Pirilinee

Why are you leaving Korea in August? >,<

i have to go home to see my family and continue school T.T it's bittersweet. i don't want to leave but i'm also homesick after two years. so i'll go home and come back as soon as i can!
Liked by: Pirilinee

Aww you're leaving in august!? I'm planning to stay in Korea for half year in 2015 and was looking forward to asking you for help and be friends :3

awww yes i have to leave to return to school and see family! but i'll come back to korea as soon as possible, MAYBE in mid-2015 but i don't know yet, we'll see!
and i can still help you with anything if you need it ^^ just ask~

My mum told me that i can go korea to study after i finish my national exams (which are in oct/nov), where do you think its the best for me to learn korean? Im not even sure if i want to go ㅠㅠ

you're not sure if you want to go? why are you unsure? :O
i really recommend coming here!!! ^^ korea is a very fun place. if you want to learn korean you MUST live in korea! it's really the best way to learn and practice. in the time i've lived here my korean has gotten SOOO much better.
if you're asking for school recommendations i'm not too sure since i haven't researched much, but i've always been fond of Yonsei. i might go there the next time i return to korea ^^

how bad is the baekyeon situation you get to witness around you? i'm pretty much disgusted with how k-sones are acting against taeyeon and how exo stans are pretty much condemning baekhyun even more than they do kris..

i haven't been able to follow it that well because lack of free time etc, so i don't know exactly what's happening but i assumed there would be lots of backlash...
from what i've seen, the general korean public (non-kpop fans) support baekyeon a lot. but fans are fans. it's hard for fans to deal with...hearing that your bias is in a confirmed relationship can be really painful for big fans. i don't care whether people think that's stupid, like "oppa will never love you anyway so why do you care?" no. we're allowed to care. we give a biiig part of our hearts to our idols so of course it hurts us sometimes.
i remember back when jonghyun/sekyung happened i ended up crying. and jonghyun wasn't even my bias back then. seriously.
but...even though i know a lot of people are hurt so badly by this, it's not right to hate baekyeon for it. the hate only hurts their image and causes them to lose fans and support. jonghyun lost so many fans at that time and even cried in public, apologizing. that's not right. you shouldn't make taeyeon apologize for her own life choices. she's a grown woman. i feel so sad seeing that happen, i can't imagine how hard it must be for them.
even though it hurts so so so bad (i know it does), i wish people would just be sad by themselves but don't harm taeyeon or baekhyun for it. showing anger to them, or "dropping out of the fandom", it really hurts them. they don't deserve that. if you're really their fan you should be devastated and crushed, i agree. but don't leave your bias or start hating them or make them regret their decisions. if they're your bias you should always want them to be happy, even if it hurts you sometimes.

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Liked by: Anyss Nadya kyla

Whats the difference between 아냐 and 아니야?

they're exactly the same but 아냐 is a shorter version, like a contraction ^^

Are you confirm leaving Korea in August this year? will you attend smtown before that?

yes i will leave korea at the end of august, but i will go to smtown before i leave :D

What was the last lie you told?

lol i told my boss i was sick so i could go to UMF on a Friday keke ;;;


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