
kimkeyy (heidi)

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thank you for answering my Qsㅠㅠ you are such a nice person!

no, you are~ ^^ thanks for asking the questions!

woot woot!!! please cheer loudly for SHINee!!!

of course!! :D (even though in the question right before this I said I'm the silent type hahaha. i'm a little better at cheering by now LOL)

Aww thanks heidi! But i guess even if i did go to korea to see them i'd just stun. There was once during a concert minho was right infront of me smiling and laughing and everyone near me was screaming but i was just staring at him (kinda creepy i know) and he isnt even my bias ;___;

omgggggg I know the feeling. I do that too sometimes, even after seeing them so many times LOL at SWC3 whenever Jonghyun stood in front of me I turned into a puddle of goo. I'm not really a yeller or a screamer. The first time I ever saw SHINee I remember it so clearly, I was just sitting there and shaking my balloon and covering my face with my hands, smiling but trying not to cry XDD silent but emotional is my style~ hahaha

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daebak :D I just started to learn it, but if I skip for maybe 2 days, I can't remember what I studied before -__- I really wanna meet you someday in Korea, you are really inspiring! :D

you definitely have to keep working at it! :) don't give up!
but that's so nice to hear, thank you~ you can definitely contact me anytime!

do you have any tips to avoid homesickness whilst away for a long period of time? i'm going travelling after christmas (thailand, japan, korea, hong kong) and i'll be away for 6+months and worried i'll get too homesick :( i know it's not quite 2 years but thought you might have some tips :3

I'm not the type of person to get homesick easily, but after living here for two years I've had to deal with some rough times...
I guess this is obvious, but when I feel really homesick I like to talk to my mom on Skype. I grew up with my dad and since I was 9 years old I've only seen my mom once or twice each year. I don't talk to her often, even though we're close. I'm just not the type of person to rely on family very much. But when I was depressed a few months ago, I talked to my mom almost every day. And I also use Facebook, Kakao, and Skype to contact my dad and sister. Even though I don't talk to them often, when I get homesick that's the best way to feel better.
If you don't have access to Skype or can't call home using an international phone service or something, I would suggest talking to a friend (someone near you) about it. It's good to think about what you miss and tell other people stories that make you feel good, and share your good memories with them. It's also really great to watch some of your favorite movies or tv shows, and eat food that reminds you of where you're from. These are all also great to share with other people who have never experienced them.
So really, the best way to fight homesickness is to keep yourself busy and surround yourself with people, you can make so many new friends when you travel abroad, and share your life with them and learn about theirs in return! Even if your friends are all busy, you can go try to meet new people or even just walk around or study in a coffee shop. It's much much better for you emotionally than sitting alone in the dark, trust me T~T lol
I wish you lots of luck on your travels! :)

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hii i want to make a banner, how can i make a banner that can caught their attention? thx

Hmmm I've never made a banner so I'm not sure what the best way is. But you should try to keep it very simple! It can be bright and colorful but don't put too many things or pictures because you want them to see it and understand it VERY quickly! If there's too much there they might get confused or won't care to read it because they're busy concentrating on performing.

This is a different person asking, but why would someone's age be +2 if his/her birthday has not passed? It's confusing for me haha

It's because you don't want the international age to mess up the math. Since every person in the same year is supposed to be the same age in Korean age, you have to account for the different birthdays.
So if someone was born in March 1990, they would be 24 now (intl age).
And if someone was born in September 1990, they would be 23 now (intl age). And they won't turn 24 until September.
But Korean age says they should be the same age. So you add 1 if their birthday has already passed, and you add 2 if their birthday hasn't passed yet. That equals it out and makes them both 25 in Korean age ^^
(Same as Jonghyun~ his birthday passed already, so you just add 1 to his international age.)
Hope that helped~ ^^

Whats your favourite/most interesting experience while watching Key's musicals?

I've seen all 3 of Key's musicals, so I have lots of favorite moments!
My most memorable moment was a few months ago, during Key's first Bonnie and Clyde show with Kahi, I was sitting in the front row near the middle. And at the part where he gets beat up and has blood dripping out of his mouth, he's laying on the ground for a bit at that part. And he starts talking or singing or laughing while laying down. But the front row seats are the same level as the stage, so our faces were at exactly the same level...and he was right in front of me, like maybe 5 feet. And at that part, he was laying down on his stomach with his head to the side and he was staring right at me. He stared at me for maybe 10 or 15 seconds and started singing the song while staring in my eyes, and blood dripped out of his mouth onto the stage. He just kept staring at me and it was so powerful, his acting is really good and it was so intense...I had my hands over my mouth and I started to cry...
Another "best moment" was at 3 Musketeers, I think it was his last show, and when he usually comes down to pick a girl and kiss her (on the head, cheek, hand, etc), he changed it and let a bunch of the girls in the front row slap his butt! I wasn't in the front row unfortunately (T__T~~~) but I got to watch him yell "harder! hit it harder!" and everyone in the room was screaming and laughing. I got to watch Kim Kibum get his butt smacked. Best day ever.

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Liked by: nuggets Tracy

i am..... good? i think so hahah are you gonna watch smtown in august? or you are leaving already at that time? o.o

I'm leaving after SMTown so yeah I'll see the concert! :D

Im so jealous of you, you got to see shinee so many times, and even talk to them T_T i just wish theyd come to my country more :-(

Oh no~ I know it's so hard to be an international fan :( I was a fan of SHINee since they debuted and I just watched them on youtube for 4 years T_T they never ever come to near where I live...So I had to actually come to Korea to see them haha.
Maybe you can come here too~ T^T <3 hwaiting~

keke good luck to you too!:) let's reach our dream,hwaiting :D but, how long you learn korean language till you really can do it like now?

I've been learning Korean since before SHINee debuted T____T so 6.5 years. but~~ no classes! :D all by myself. So really, if I took real classes during those 6 years I would be very good I think. Better than I am now. But that's ok because I still feel proud of myself!

I've been wondering... How will you bring back all your SHINee merchandise back to the US? XD Along with all your other stuff. I mean since you bought a lot :o Would you have like a bunch of suitcases filled with SHINee merchandise?

I'M DREADING GOING HOME ONLY BECAUSE OF THIS REASON. I'm not looking forward to it at all omg.
My only option is to take all of my SHINee merch and box it up and ship it home by boat (slow and cheap) next week (because it takes 2~3 months to arrive...)
But it's so scary...because it takes so long to ship it, and I don't want it to get lost or damaged! I have to package it really well....omg T~T sad...nooooo. Scared.
The amount of SHINee stuff I have to send home could fill like 3 or 4 suitcases T_T;;;;;;;
Liked by: nuggets

So the floor is nearer to the stage than the stands? Then what are those seats on the second and third level called?

The seats that are up higher on the second and third levels are the "stands" haha. I don't know another word for "stands" besides bleachers, but that's an American term...maybe you can google it XD
But yeah the floor is the whole flat part out in front of the stage. Everything else (where the seats are higher) is the "stands".

Hi Heidi, i miss u tweeting more T.T

I miss tweeting more too!!! I'm trying to get back into it, see? keke ^^ thanks for waiting for me and not forgetting about me T_T <3

you happen to know which those seven countries are?

The countries accepted by TaLK and EPiK programs are USA, Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

i wanna see jonghyun close up in real life so bad T_____T he looks so cute & handsome !!!!

he IS so cute and handsome DDDD:
i miss him so much~~ T_T
i hope you get a chance to see them all up close someday!! don't give up~ T^T <3

I'm a muslim and if i go to korea for living, is there any difficulties with that? (for example, I cant get any job bcs of I'm muslim or something like that)

I don't really have experience with this issue so I can't be sure, but I don't think being a Muslim would be a problem. There might be other problems that get in the way, instead. So, it really depends on what kind of job you want. For foreigners in Korea, the job market is really limited. One of the only things we can do easily is teach English, but even that is difficult because they almost always only accept native English speakers from English-speaking countries. So it would be hard to teach English here if you're not from a predominantly English-speaking country.
Programs like the one I'm in (TaLK) only accept people from 7 approved countries. So even if someone from a non-English-speaking country studies English really hard and passes all kinds of tests, it might still be hard to find a job teaching English in Korea since everyone's looking for native speakers. Unfortunately, even less-qualified native English speakers will get a job before highly qualified people who speak English as a second language T_T;
So, other than English teacher, I don't know how many other jobs you can find here. But I think being a Muslim on its own is not usually a big problem at all. ^^;

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Then whats the difference between the stands and the floor? ><

Sorry, this is always confusing! "Stands" means like bleachers or higher seating. Even though it's called "stands", it's not standing...it's the seated area >_<
I got really confused with this too when I tried to buy SM global package tickets. They sell either "stands" or "floor" tickets, and 'stands' means seated in the seating area and 'floor' means on the floor in front of the stage (where "standing" would be, but SHINee doesn't have standing in Korea, it's seating only. So they put chairs on the floor there).

How do you get from daegu to seoul?

You can take an intercity bus or a normal train or the KTX train. The KTX train is the fastest, it takes less than 2 hours, but it costs over $40. If you take a normal train ($20) or a normal bus ($24) it takes almost 4 hours.

wow inspired me^^,great struggles. I'm really excited to study there too.., the one that I want is in SNU. So I'll workhard to get that, I just graduated from jr high school. :D

I think I'm going to try for SNU too!! But wow~~ good luck to you! :D You have a lot of time to work hard and prepare keke hwaiting~ ^^

have a question on korean age, what is it with the coming of age? like, why are there different coming of age periods? like how sulli had coming of age faster than krystal when theyre both 94'liners but different birthday months? march for ssul and oct for krys... so its pretty confusing...?

Coming-of-age day is kind of weird because there's a cutoff on July 1. So for 94'line, anyone whose birthday was before July 1, celebrated coming-of-age day last year (with Sulli). And if their birthday was after July 1, they celebrated coming-of-age day this year (with Krystal).
I don't really know why they cut the date off like that, but I think that's a recent change ^^;
Liked by: Tyler Posey


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