
kimkeyy (heidi)

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Hello , i want to ask you a favor. Would you please translate some of your favorite pages of jjong book , if you had read of course ... thank you ♡

there are a few reasons i'm hesitant about translating his book so for now i don't think i can. possibly in the future? don't know, really.. :( sorry
Liked by: Bella ㅎㅅㅎ

hi heidi, miss seeing you on twitter~ what have you been up to ^^^^ busy with your studies/job? will you be attending any of shinee's JAT shows :)

yes i've been trying to be on more. so busy. like going crazy. i planned to go to 2 japan stops but i'll probably have to cancel them cuz i'm broke haha....it would be better for me to save the money for korean cb/swc5 T__T
Liked by: Bella ㅎㅅㅎ

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Favorite Jonghyun quotes? :)

off the top of my head i just always immediately think of the whole message he wrote to Kang Eunha (the LGBT advocate) T0T

Hello... I'm very new to Shawol world and I read someone was talking about a global package for sw5... what is a global package??

it's a tour package sm offers to overseas fans that includes concert tickets and a hotel stay plus some meal and souvenirs, etc. it's very expensive but worth it sometimes. you can find them at smtowntravel.com
Liked by: Bella ㅎㅅㅎ

hi, how difficult is it to pass a level in the korean language programs? i'm thinking of going to korea to do it but i'm just worried i'll find it too difficult

it can be really hard sometimes but if you put in the effort you will be fine. i passed twice already while working multiple jobs and attending shinee events (and never doing my homework tbh lol) so it's not that bad. the workload is kinda intense though (in the upper levels, anyway) and if you're the type to not do well on tests it can be veryyyy hard at times. i HAVE seen people fail classes. but if you put your mind to it, you can definitely pass without problems. it's just worth the tuition money, it's not a slacking class you can just blow off all the time. the pace is very fast but it's really effective for learning.

hi heidi, you see there is someone on twitter that is mentioning random people and saying that jonghyun has a girlfriend which i dont really mind but the way she is saying it sounds kind of bitter and the "proves" she had are quite ridiculous, and i just have this feel that she wants fans to -cont-

-cont- be against jonghyun somehow(??) she is saying that she is worried about the fandom because they might feel betrayed idk"
wow i checked out her twitter and it's just weird. so she's got this very new twitter id that she made just to go around and tweet people this "news"???? weirdo. and if this "info" is even correct, she said this "girlfriend" is a bad girl and an attention whore. so paying attention to stuff like that only gives her what she wants. it's possible she's making all this up. and anyway whether it's true or not, it's not our business and we can NEVER know anything for sure unless he tells us himself, so speculating is never good for him. we should never pry. just 100% ignore anything like that. lol she made a new twitter just to go around soliciting reactions from people...very weird indeed

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if a place sells jjong's LP will you do an order for it? ;;

i believe it is being sold online and at the artium now p___p but i'll be honest, taking orders and shipping stuff is a lot of work and really stressful so i can't really offer anything at original price right now.. T_T like i said before, i can't connect paypal to my korean bank account so i usually have to use my own money out of pocket up front (like hundreds of dollars..) and it takes twice as long for me to get the money from paypal and i have triple the bank fees. so if i sell anything it will have to be at a higher price to make it worth my time and effort...unless it's something i need for a fansign or event, where i don't have to mark up the price (because it won't be for profit).
i hate to be like that, i would love to provide anything for everyone if i could but i'm just too busy to take on a job that big (kill me pls =__=) i already have school and like 6 different tutoring jobs so i'm going crazy already, still crazy from the book orders tbh T__T
i don't know, maybe in the future if i can ever finally get my paypal to connect to my korean bank account it may save me some hassle...
but anyway i can't open general orders for everyone now but if you are desperate and don't mind the price maybe we can work something out. send me a message somewhere privately if you want to ask about something.

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hi, do you know about the words in his shoulders in this photo? what is it? http://cfile23.uf.tistory.com/original/2424E141565AFA64092069. thanks in advance <3

omg hahahah it says 김별로 kim-byul-lo which i'm not sure it has an equivalent translation in english but it's kinda like saying "kim whatever" (별로/byullo can mean like "not that great"). but it's just joking because that word is where roo's name comes from. minho once said roo is "별로" because she pooped on his shirt if i remember correctly XDDD so they took 별루(byulloo, same word in a cute-sounding way) and shortened it to "roo" for roo's name hahaha.
so yeah i'm guessing that's the joke, they just made him a nametag that says kim byullo XD

(LP anon) Oh no, I just assumed bc when i was watching Roommate (the variety show), they had an LP player too lol. But then a lot of shinee/jjong fan's look like they have one since they can play Jjong's LP hahah!

really do they? i didn't see any T_T who has a record player, i need a friend with a record player....i wanna listen to the LP p__p

Hi! Just wanted to know if you started shipping the books already. I know I'm not gonna get mine before christmas, so I was wondering if there was a chance I'd get it before 2016... lol Anyway, just curious on how it's going!

i shipped them this week ;0; i hope they arrive within the first week of the new year

hello~ I read that you've participated in the smglobal packages and I'm considering purchasing it for exo's concert in LA! I have a question though that I can't seem to find an answer to, on their website it says that it's a $500 "deposit" so will the actual package end up being that price or more?

i think my answer is late...but yeah it looks like it will be higher than $500 @__@;;; you have to pay the $500 deposit, and then they will send you the rest of the info like final price and how to pay the rest....if you send the deposit you cannot cancel it.
why is the global package thing always so shady lol

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

eat. always eat.

Hi! In Key's knowhow last episode he did a small fanmeeting and a flea market. Do you know what requirement is needed for fans to attend? (Don't tell me it's depended on the official fans thingy again ;___;)

Hi! As far as I know, it was just a random selection of 200 fans who applied using the form on the website. I don't think official/unofficial had anything to do with it ^^

yeah, i mean the album! i bought the book from you and i was wondering if you could send me the book and the album together (if you havent shipped my book yet ofc)

oh ok! if you haven't gotten an email confirmation yet then i was probably about to send it tomorrow, you caught me just in time o.o
go ahead and send me an email to the skeletonflowerbook@gmail.com account!

Would u mind translating this??? (Sorry if this sounds rude) https://twitter.com/eung_heart/status/675320673506476032 omg did he follow someone again???

Sorry this is really late, I'm sure you know all this by now XD I don't check my ask.fm that often and the notifications are broken, so for anything time-sensitive it's better to dm or message me on twitter ^^;
But I'll write it anyway!
Yep he followed a fan on accident again XD
She said like "omg...oppa...you followed me by accident. i'll block+unblock you (T/N: to force his acct to unfollow hers). my hands are shaking..ahh"
and Jjong said "haha thankyouuu~~^^ good night<3"
so she replied "good night to you too ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ you did well today ㅠㅠㅠㅠ<33333" so he said "yea<3"
(then she changed her username to what jjong said at the end "응<3" eung_heart LOL)
Liked by: Ren

hello... could i buy the story op.1 from you?

You mean just Jonghyun's album, not the LP?
I'm still working on shipping out his books to people, so I can't really take orders for anything now. And typically I don't take orders anyway because PayPal won't connect to my Korean bank account and it makes my life really really hard. (ㅠㅠ) But after the holidays if you still need help to get it you can ask me and I can try to work something out.

are LPs really popular in korea? it seems like a lot of ppl still have/use record players!

I don't really know. Personally I've never seen a record player or someone who owns LPs here in Korea. What makes you say it seems like a lot of people have them? I believe the only person I know to have one is Jonghyun XD haha (and didn't he say his record player is just for decoration?? or maybe he has another, who knows lol)
But I'm sure many people are interested in records as a hobby and collect them! But it's definitely not "really popular" or widespread or anything.

heidi, can you recommend me cheap place to stay in seoul ? I'm going to korea later about a week. thank you :)

And of course this answer is a week late. Sorry ㅠ0ㅠ
For me, I would recommend my goshiwon actually. Pinehill House in Sinchon. It's the cheapest place I've seen LOL

Hi~! ^^ I'm considerably a new shawol since I started this year, trying my best to find out things about the boys. I could be missing out a few details, Idk. But does Key smile often? Like during interviews. Sometimes I worry a lot. He seems more lively/smiley in the past years? Or is he just tired?

Well in my opinion, usually he doesn't show his bad moods and he is very good at putting on his stage face when he needs to. So when he does let it slip, it's extra noticeable. He's had some rough times before. And he may still be having rough times. I don't know tbh because there's no way to know for sure if something is going on, but all we can do is hope that nothing is wrong, (or if it is, hope it gets better) ^^; He could just be tired. He works very very hard. But he is one of the strongest people I know so I have faith that he will be okay.
Liked by: Edlyn

oh yeah i saw the photos going around. i'm not much a fan of shinee's body exposure so i just brushed past all the retweets/quotes etc. but i understand if fans got excited about it. i hope the original posters took it down though! thanks for letting us know~ i was worried ._.

ya. it's hard because the original is obviously in the official MV, it got put there maybe by accident, they must not have caught it during production. but even so, it's better and more polite to kibum if we don't zoom in and share the screencaps of it a lot online. keep it in the public as minimal as possible as a favor to him, i think if anyone was in that situation they would appreciate people not drawing attention to it. ^^

what screencap photo about key is going around that isn't good for him heidi? i'm worried idk which it is

the screencap of key from the dxdxd mv where you can see inside his pants T__T;; can see too much. it's fun/funny for fans to see so i know many want to share it but i hope people can stick to sharing it privately. putting it on the internet too much isn't good for his image. it was an accident too, he didn't mean to show that so i think he could be a little upset by it if he saw.


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