
kimkeyy (heidi)

Ask @tsheidi

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Hi! :) is it easy to apply a teaching job there in Korea? I'm a preschool teacher and I want to apply a teaching position in Korea ^^

yes! and especially if you want to teach english, if your native language is english it's so easy. :D it's good to be really qualified though, with a degree and stuff. if you have that then it should be fine

can you post a selca maybe? c:

hmmmm nooope~ but keep an eye out because i post selcas on twitter sometimes (and rarely ig) so you can check there haha

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Did the tattooing process hurt a lot? And did you come up with the tattoo design? Omg I think your tattoo is really cool haha

yeah it hurt really really bad XDDDD ugh...and nope i didn't come up with it myself, i found it on the internet actually p__p it says shinee but it was created in 2006, before shinee debuted. just a coincidence, really haha. but i always loved the design and i like that it's not obvious ^^

Have you korean name? do ppl (in hanguk) call you heidi or?

people in korea just call me heidi ^^ but i do have a korean name (that i rarely use), it's 혜린/Hyerin :)
Liked by: Mi~ ♥x114

how to pronounce "titis anggraeni" : ti=tea tis=tease ang=drUNK gra=GRUmble e=tAEmin ni=knee.. thank you :)

ahhh i see. if you pronounce the "ang" like that then it would probably be 티티스 엉그라에니 :) or, if the end of "titis" is more like a Z sound, it can be 티티즈.
Liked by: Titis Anggraeni

aww thankyou so much youre so nice, Ive emailed you by the way, the subject is (taemin's birthday message) and my email is gracia.cindy@hotmail.com ! I hope you can translate it before 18th of july♡

Gracia Cindy
ok i will try my best ^^;

I'm not a native english speaker, then, what kind of job you see that foreigners are accepted more easily in Korea? can you tell if the salary is reasonable? thank you ;)

Honestly, it's really hard to get a job in Korea that's not teaching. Maybe if you look very hard you can find a job somewhere teaching your own native language, but it might be hard to find one because of low demand and you also need many qualifications and a teaching degree. As for jobs outside of teaching, you probably need to be very proficient in Korean and you need a company to sponsor your working visa, etc. It's probably better to come study Korean first and hopefully if your school lets you work part-time, you can be an intern somewhere and then build connections and find a job that way. But I'm really not sure, sorry DX for foreigners, finding a job here that's not teaching is hard.

heidi! can you help me to translate my letter for taemin? (english to korean) but its going to be a bit long I think it wont fit in this ask box, maybe I can email you or smthn? but if you dont have time to do it, its okay :) thanks before♡

Gracia Cindy
yeah sure i can try! i'm sorry my reply is a little late, my asks are backed up and i'm pretty busy T_T but you can go ahead and email me at tsheidi@naver.com if you still need my help or anything ^^

I thing you are right about the answer about jonkey. I believe more or less in jongkey but if that otp isn't real,ok, good for them.they must to be happy hahah. i only loking for jongkey moment to fangirling, not to make rumors. i believe in jongkey for myserlf while y loking for hapiness to SHINee

yes, i believe that too :) as long as they're happy it doesn't matter. i shouldn't go speculating about their personal lives haha, and just enjoy the fanservice for myself XDD <3

post photo of key while talking with u, which is taken by keysyou please please please ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

huhu ok here TuT it was when i asked him for a handshake but the staff stopped him (you can see the staff waving me off the stage lmao the staff hated me that day cuz key was so talkative with me he held up the lines LOL)
after the staff said no key felt bad so he was like >.< and said sorry haha...cutie ♥

what is the difference between "any" and "some" in english question? for example "is there any...." or "is there some...."

in questions:
"do you want any cake?"
"do you want some cake?"
these two sentences are both correct, and have the same meaning. in a question form, they are usually interchangable.
in statements:
"some" is mostly used with positive statements. for example, "sure, I would like some cake" or "there are some children playing over there".
"any" is mostly used with negative statements, (with the word 'not'). "no, I don't want any cake", or "i can't find any socks".

Do you think jongkey is real? and why? and whats about 2min or other otp?

Nope, I don't think they're real. They could be, but it's not my place to guess about it. I like the pairing and I enjoy fanfics and when they do fanservice, but I don't like calling pairings real because it's not fair to them, that's a really personal issue that we have no right to know or even guess about so...I just don't think about it haha (aside from in my imagination XDDD)
I think that if our idols wanted us to know they're gay or dating someone then they'll tell us. Unless they tell us, it's none of our business because that's personal. Idol relationships (even straight ones *coughjongkyung, coughbaekyeon*) can really hurt the idols emotionally and also hurt their careers if they get backlash. So I think that's very unfair if the info is ripped out of them by the media or people spying on them at night. So I don't like to speculate about idols' personal relationships too much, and try not to spread rumors. T_T
It's okay to enjoy shipping and fanfiction without really thinking the pairing is real. The two things can be separate. It's called fan/fiction/ for a reason hahaha~ sorry for my mini rant ^^;

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Liked by: Pirilinee Limxinyi

do you think taemin's still sick?

still?? he was sick? o_O idk he just went to LA or something didn't he? he's probably okay..

Are you able to understand Blue Night when you listen to it?

tbqh my listening is a lot worse than my reading and writing, so the answer is "not very much"

omg your story with key is idk incredible?? I ENVY YOU SO MUCH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. I mean omg so cute you two ;;; that must have been one of the best days in your life right? omg I probably would have already died seeing him for the first time and then THREE TIMES ON THE SAME DAY? so damn lucky :')

i knooooow ;____; YEA it was like the best day of my life omg it still feels like a dream haha. and keysyou put up an index photo on her site of him while i was talking to him TuT his cute lil face..ya i'm so lucky T.T <333 wowwie


Language: English