
kimkeyy (heidi)

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yaa it's so fun^^ I got all of SHINee members on the first rank cause I always chose 'like both' if two of them appeared together ㅋㅋ I really couldn't choose one of them hahaa :D

aw that's nice :D <3

Hi Heldi, Jjong has some self-compose songs on his radio right, can you give me the name of the songs? i have no internet at the time he released his songs. Thank u so much <3

the songs he composed for blue night are called 'Like You', 'U & I', and 'Sorry' :)

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Heidi, I just tried the game.. the first ranks are Jonghyun Key Taemin Minho Onew :D so fun game^^

yeah it's fun right!? ^^ jongkey are tied in 1st place for me hehe

Hi there. Im one of those fangirls out there and i would like to ask you smth about korea. Can i? ^^

please go ahead! i'm getting really distracted right now and just got a bunch of questions so they're backed up, i'll try to get through them as fast as i can haha. but don't hesitate to ask something ^^

Hi, do you know what the ranking thing on @/_taem0718 's twitter is about?

it's a game! here: http://smtownsort.tistory.com/
you need to know how to read korean. the left and right side is two names of sm artists, and you have to click who you like more. top middle is "i like both" and bottom middle is "i don't like/don't know either one". then it sorts your answers and puts them into a list by your ranking ^^

Is red velvet really tiny? can you guess/predict about their height?

i don't wanna make up any numbers since i don't know, but my best guess is that they're average height! their heights are all pretty similar to each other. joy was the tallest when i saw them today, but actually maybe she wore insoles. i don't know ^^ she looked tallest, her legs look long. but none of them look like giants and i don't think they're super tiny like sunny haha ^^;;
Liked by: nuggets

who do u think the pretiest in red velvet?

in the beginning it was seulgi because i love her eyeeessssss but now i just can't tell T.T i really like wendy too but joy looks like my type...i need to study them more to develop my true feelings LOL~

are you planning to go support taemin at music shows when he starts promoting?

yes i'll probably go a few times since i will have free time. i don't have a job now haha

Can I ask why you think it's necessary to buy tickets to every single Key musical performance? I don't understand the need to watch the same musical 12x

because it's something i want to do. seeing shinee and supporting them and collecting their merch is a hobby for me. lots of people have hobbies that they spend very much time and money on...some people collect sports memorabilia, some people collect fine wine, some people like to upgrade their car or fix up an old one, and some people like to cosplay. people will always spend large amounts of money and put in a lot of time and effort for what they love doing, even if others think it's crazy. because it makes them happy, and gives them something to focus on other than life's stresses. for me, that thing is shinee. i saw bonnie and clyde 15 times because i love it. i love watching kibum perform, i love supporting him, and i love being around other shawols supporting him. maybe seeing the same show multiple times isn't necessary, of course it's not. but neither is buying an autographed baseball or getting a new stereo system for your car. people like what they like, and do what they want to do. it's not hurting anyone else. so, i don't know why it bothers you that i see his musicals a lot, but i'm sorry that it does.

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Do you think red velvet sang live on music core yesterday?

i was just watching that and trying to decide. i think it's partly live. it sounds more live than today's inki recording, because you can tell when the vocals are different, but it didn't sound 100% live to me. i think it was kind of half and half.

How much is the price of lucky box? and can you choose the member on goodies or is it mixed member in one box?

it cost 100,000won (like $100) and no you couldn't choose anything. you couldn't even choose which box you wanted out of a pile, they just handed you one from behind the counter. and all the merch inside was single-member, and they were all random. i think they tried to make sure each box had a different member on each item, so they didn't double the same member in the same box.

are the contents of the lucky box different for every box?

the merch is all the same, only different by member. it's random. also 10 boxes had signed albums, also random

What music downloader apps do you recommend? ^^

music download app...like for a phone? i don't really know about those, but i do use the MelOn app to buy music. but it's just for korea only >< idk any music download apps other than korean ones LOL T_T sorry

does any k-shawol that not get the lucky box even they came to the myeongdong?

well i was at the front of the line and it extended up the stairs and to the outside, so i never saw the end of the line at all. i'm not really sure how many people got cut off in the end. but i'm sure that that over 100 people came, so probably some people didn't get a box, but the people at the end of the line came pretty late. they didn't wait all night, only a couple hours or less. so it's not too bad. i've seen much worse XD

So you're watched red velvet perform today? Did they sing it live or just lipsync? ^^;;;

sorry for the late replyㅠㅠ they lip synced today

Hi just want to ask you.. I read from Netizenbuzz that Korean finds Red Velvet song to be hardly understandable. Is the lyric that bad? Do you understand what the song about when you listen to it? and can you tell me how Korean views on them now? Thanks!!!

the truth is, many kpop songs in this style of music are not very understandable. most or all of f(x)'s title songs are pretty much spouting gibberish all the time, and other groups including boy groups do it too. that's just what pop music is like. and especially with so many random english words and phrases thrown in, kpop songs (or at least songs in a style like this one) are messy when it comes to lyrics. they may have some meaning, but it can be hard to decipher even for fluent speakers. and i'm not fluent so i definitely don't understand many kpop songs. it's easier to understand songs in other styles than this one, because the lyrics are less random, they're structured more like real sentences with thoughts and ideas and not just throwing around words and phrases XD
(i'm not hating on rv, f(x), or this style of music btw, i love those songs and groups LOL i'm just saying that yeah they are pretty hard to understand even if you're fluent, but that kind of thing is common and happiness isn't any worse than piles of other similar songs so don't be too worried about that response haha)

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Hi.. Im really curious with the yeoseongshidae (I hope I spell it right). To what point they did to bash SHINee? Is it really THAT BAD since a lot of fansites are warning and such. What they did to shinee actually? please tell me some information since my heart cant calm down rn ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

i don't know the exact nature of their comments (and even if i did i wouldn't post them in public), but all i heard is that people on yeoseongshidae were making negative rumors about jonghyun. i heard that the people spreading the rumors are popular and their comments and rumors are believed by many people so the fact that they are saying negative things is harmful to us and shinee. shawols are cutting all ties to that community and others involved, no moving shinee info or fansite data to sites that aren't shinee sites.

from what time did you lined up to get the lucky box?

actually i came to myeongdong at 4pm yesterday LOL. and my friend ezgi and i just wandered around, got dinner, drank coffee, etc, and we kept going back to check just in case a line started (we had no way to know how early people would show up o.o) but it got late and at 11pm there was still no line. we could have gone home and come back in the morning but i wasn't sure ezgi would wake up and come in the morning (and i didnt want to go alone haha) so i decided to just stay out all night with her in lotteria LOL. we slept on the tables there and then came back to the popup store and got in line at 5am. that's when the real line actually started, 4~5am.
Liked by: kyla

where can i buy a shinee lucky box?

only 100 people recieved them at the smtown popup store in myeongdong. you had to wait in line and buy it in person ^^;

Hello Heidi ^^ hope you are fine :D i have a question that maybe you can answer.. the phrase "my mom is cooking" "엄마가 요리를 합니디" why do you need ‘가'and '를'? >__>

hi ^^ you need 가 because it marks the subject of the sentence (엄마), and 를 marks the object of the sentence (요리).
It's weird at first because English doesn't use those kinds of particles and markers, but it doesn't take long to get used to it :) the subject of the sentence is the person or thing that does an action, or is being talked about.
the object of the sentence is something that is being done or affected by someone (or something) else. so you could say "바나나를 먹어요" (eat a banana), and banana needs 를 attached to it because the banana is the thing that's being eaten (so you still need to use 를 even if the subject or topic of the sentence isn't spoken out loud).
in colloquial korean though, the particles like 가 and 를 are often left out, but you should learn them very well first before you start trying to leave them out. it will help you more in the future ^^ also it takes practice to know how to sound natural when you leave out the particles. so in the beginning you should try your best to be grammatically correct all the time.
(also i'm so sorry this answer is really late ㅠㅠ busy busy)

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