
kimkeyy (heidi)

Ask @tsheidi

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hi~ is there any way you could i-shawols from ordering on aladin? it's just too hard since everything is still in korean after shifting to US site. sorry for bothering you.

ok maybe i'll make a tutorial. i can't promise because i have an account on the korean site already but i'll see if i can make an account on the us site using my friend's name and make a tutorial tomorrow night.

hello, how do you spell 'i love you sister' in Korean?

sorry for the late reply! it would be 언니 사랑해 if she's older than you

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hello ^^ do u know how to get a R card in sm superstar? I lose many cards and rhythm points in power up s cards but nothing happened?? *sorry for my broken english ♡

i haven't done it myself but i assume it's the same as powering up other cards. you can make an R card with two 5-star S cards i believe. it sounds like you just had bad luck, i lost a lot of shinee s cards that way before ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Compared to yes24, the GP what can offer? D: anyway do you think it will be easy to buy a ticket if using yes24? ( they still have to upload the news about the concert on the english site TT ). I'm just worried bc it's jonghyun, I bet I will have to fight to get a seat >_>

The GP gives so many benefits! It comes with a nice hotel room (or hostel for the cheaper one), transportation to+from the hotel/airport, and to+from the concert venue. Even if you don't need the hotel room, the GP is still worth the price imo. I bought GP like 3 times while I already lived in Korea hahah. Cuz they also give cool presents and events, and guaranteed some of the best seats in the house for the performance. They usually give you some opportunity to write a message to the idols or something, and they provide some food. Plus some other stuff! But the events are always different each time, we'll see what they do for Jonghyun's ^^
Yes........ticketing is going to be impossible. Many fans are scared out of their minds. Because the venue is not a real concert venue. It's just the auditorium at Coex.....not many seats. So even though there's 8 shows, it could be super hard to get one, I think...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ well, at least for the first and last show. Those are the ones fans try for the most.

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Liked by: dani dino

Hi heidi sorry to ask you this but do you know how are the fans know shinee's flight schedule.. Thx.. ._.

I've never paid attention myself, but I heard that it's easy with just some common sense. Just gotta learn how to judge it and read the flight timetables. It would get easier the more you do it and get good at it I guess. Practice makes perfect lol...but sometimes they don't actually know the time, so they can end up spending many hours or all day waiting at the airport. And It also helps if they have some inside source, many fansites do.

Hi heidi, I hope you'e having a great day! :D sorry for the silly question but do you think there will be a chance to buy the tickets for Jonghyun's concert also on another site? I will be in Korea in October and I'd like to see him but yes24.com is in Korean and that's a huge problem for me ofc ;;

No, the tickets will only be available on Yes24, but they also have an English version of the site. The signup is separate so I can't log into the English site with my existing ID, but you should be able to sign up there and buy tickets using a foreign credit card, same as normal ticketing.
There is also a global package going on sale soon (like 10 hours or so from now? O_O) so if you hop on that you can get a GP. The GP's are very expensive but they are worth the price totally.
Liked by: dani dino

if i'm staying in korea on a tourist visa, and when that's about to expire i go to visit japan and come back, will it reset and i can stay the entire duration of it again? ive heard other foreigners say they do that but im scared they wouldnt let me back in ;;

yes, i know MANY people that do that ^^; recently my friend had some sort of problem with the timing of her trip and she was forced to go to japan AGAIN, but i don't know the details behind that...normally it's simple and there's no need to be worried. i can name handfuls of people that i know who have done it dozens of times, but i never have personally.

omg I also study here and I really need money but bc I'm not Asian no one will ever hire me for a part time job..I've already worked as a english classroom assistant when I was 16~17 before coming and someone told me I should tutor to get money but Idk where to start or how to draw people to it ;-;

yeah i feel you...my chinese classmates get part-time jobs at makeup shops and convenience stores but westerners can't because of our look, it tends to make the customers uncomfortable so no one wants to hire westerners in that type of job...
but there ARE job opportunities and you can make anything happen if you set your mind to it, although it does take a lot of work and it can be stressful and scary to take those risks. you may be able to get a part-time job at a hostel or other foreigner-friendly business, and many places in itaewon hire foreigners (including westerners) as waitresses, baristas, dishwashers, etc. but the hard part is either getting your visa paperwork all set up right, or finding someone who will bend the rules for you. for the latter, i'd feel more comfortable going by word of mouth, and using friends-of-friends as connections to reliable employers, as putting it out in public forums that you're looking for a job illegally is not a very good idea lol.
as for me, i'm tutoring. i also have a job as an english textbook proofreader that pays very well (but the work is very unstable), and i babysit a baby twice a week. half of my clients are people i met myself through various means, like friends of friends, and the other half i found through a recruiting agency that also hires students. they just do all the work and message you when they get a client, and you can accept or decline the job depending on if it fits your schedule or what have you. tutoring jobs are fairly easy to come by, though, so you could do pretty well just on your own. you can put ads on craigslist (or answer ads on craigslist from people searching for tutors), or put up flyers in crowded areas, etc.
my number one piece of advice is to work on your networking. get friends of friends involved and see if people you know or people they know can recommend you a client, anyone interested in an english speaking babysitter or english tutor. that's MUCH easier than finding someone out of nowhere on the internet. i'm actually tutoring my landlord starting this week and getting free rent for it. so don't quit looking!! some good opportunities are definitely out there!

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Do you often see fanboys at fansigns, music shows? Especially those of a male group?

not terribly often, but they're around!! i've seen a few fanboys at shinee events before. i've also seen some dudes that are clearly just poor guys being dragged along by their girlfriends LOL.
anyway i believe going to music shows and etc is more of a female activity for some reason. that's why male groups usually have a higher turnout of fans at non-concert events, like music show recordings, than female groups do, regardless of popularity (not always, but that's often the case). so the number of fanboys seen at events isn't totally accurate. i think there are not very many fanboys that go to events but more are hiding around on the internet heh

what the meaning of "어떤 것을 잘 보기 위해서는 마음으로 보아야 해. 가장 중요한 것은 눈에 보이지 않거든. 너의 장미꽃이 너에게 그렇게 소중한 이유는, 그 꽃을 위해 너의 시간을 보냈기 때문이야." ? thank youuuu <3

"To see something well, you must see it with your heart. The most important things can't be seen with the eyes. The reason your own rose is so precious to you, is because you put your own time into it."
Liked by: selene

heidi! do you know where kbs building is located? may i know?

KBS공개홀 is located outside of National Assembly station on subway line 9 (exit 4, turn right at the first street)
Liked by: ian

OMGGG. That's why im soooo in love with MinKey. I also Printed Screen your answer of my question lol. BTW i'm just sooooo jelous ㅠㅠ I wished and im still wishing to meet them just once but seems too hard ㅠㅠ

Yeah they're great!! Aaawwww yeah..ahh it's very hard :( but I hope you can meet them too. You have to work hard and not give up~ ㅠㅠ fighting~!!
Liked by: selene Vickie

Hello Heidi, I wish to ask you some personal questions...Would it be fine to add you to kakao talk?Thanks a lot.. :)

ah? sure ^^; my kakao id is tsheidi

Do you have any idea why there are no radio schedules this time? ??

what do you mean? like sstp or etc? maybe cuz their promotions are so short?? o_O idk

wanna go to fan sign so badly, at least once ??

i hope you can!! you should try and not give up! it can be suuuuper hard, but anything is possible T~T i wish you luck!! ㅠㅠ
Liked by: rissa fajarini

dying every time i read abt your interaction with shinee, drag me to korea ??

*grabs u and drags u to korea* c:

But how about Onew? What kind of impression does he have?

He gives a good impression! But whenever I met him he was usually pretty tired and quiet T~T;
And he feels pretty leaderlike in my opinion p__p??? I don't rly know how to explain but like he's older than me and for some reason he makes me more nervous than anyone else cuz of his...godlike aura?? so he intimidates me OuO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; eep;;; Jinki-nim...*bows* ;;;;; *runs*
I honestly didn't ever have anything interesting to give him or ask/tell him, and I was too nervous most of the time so my interactions with him always ended up kind of plain. Probably my fault XD My friends had many more fun interactions with him heh. But there is one time, back when I first met him he read my nametag and said "Woah, it's really Heidi!" LOLLLL (referring to the book/tv show character Heidi, the girl who lives in the Alps lol....it was a very popular show in Asia...so I get that a lot...haha.........) thank u Jinki XDDDD;;;;; <3

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Have you ever met SHINee? Are they friendly? What are their characteristic? Specially Key oppa

Yes! They're sooooo friendly, especially Key and Taemin and Minho. Minho is the most gentlemanly gentleman I have ever had the pleasure to meet XDDD <3333 and Taemin is adorable and likes to joke around. And Key is really good with foreigners because I think he gets excited to use English hahah XD;; Key also has one of the best presences for fans to interact with, he's always got a good energy about him even if he's tired.
Key and Taemin are the only two who ever actually showed that they really remember me ;u;'''' Jonghyun just never answered when I asked LOL wtv XD And one time at a fansign when I was flustered and forgot to choose which photos I wanted them to sign, I asked them to pick their own favorite photos, and Taemin was really enthusiastic to help and flipped through my album excitedly, then picked a photo and even said "I like this one~!" in English TuT sooooo cuuUUUUTEEE~~ and Minho flipped through and picked a photo without me even having to ask him, he saw me being flustered and spared me the embarrassment LOL thank u lovely Mr. Choi ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ hahahaha <3
But of course Key is the one I have the most fun interacting with because even though I speak Korean and I use Korean with the other members, I //ONLY// use English with Key because I like his English so much LOLLL and he made a big impression on me because he remembered me even from the very first time I met him, and then he was so excited to talk to me (for some reason omg??? lmao) he wouldn't even let me say anything and instead he kept cutting me off and asking questions about me like where am I from, what am I doing in korea, where am i staying, etc. It was really overwhelming LOL i was like why do you want to know about me, i'm supposed to ask about you *rips out my hair* XDDD so from the very beginning Key's interaction with me felt more "friendly" rather than fan/idol if that makes sense..? Probably just cuz I'm blond or something lmfao but kibummmm <3
And that's not to say the others aren't friendly either, cuz they're all super nice! But the two old men get tired a lot easier than the others ha...ㅠㅠ though Jonghyun is really great because he does ANYTHING to please the fans. He will give a handshake if you ask, even though he's not allowed to. He'll also write or draw in your album if you ask him to, I asked him to draw me a puppy once TwT omggg

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what happen between woohyun and key?._. are they still friends?

we can't rly know that~ we just haven't heard about it, they never mention it *shrug*

hi heidi! i'm going to korea soon, is it okay if you recommend some interesting places? i mean i've done research about it but i just wanna know what are your favorite places ;3; thank youuu!

Well...I guess personally I like Hongdae, going to the park, watching people busk, drinking...and there are so many restaurants, bars, cafes, ice cream/other desserts, places to shop...hmm ^^ the crowd there is young because of the university. But that makes it very crowded and very noisy. Lots of drinking and clubbing at night. Another place my friends like to go is Gangnam/Garosu-gil. It's very upscale and nice, so much fun for window shopping or finding good food and etc ^^ Aaaand...I guess lastly I'll say personally I like Itaewon. It's like the foreigner district. So that makes it very unique and there's TONS of variety when it comes to food and etc. Also I just like the look of the buildings and stuff there.
Sorry, hope that helped XD
Liked by: ian danvers

hey ! how can we meet idols ? i mean if i know where they hang out and such ? know its hard but nothing is impossible

i'm sorry but i don't condone fans purposely looking for idols during their private time. that's what events are for, so wait for something official.


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