

Ask @WillyStain

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Nobody will like me... no everyone loves me ;) Face it you stuck that deformed nose into tjings you got owned so crawl back under your rock

Fuck off you self centered cunt, nobody will ever love you, you're probably some stupid grotesque freak, hiding behind anonymous, because you're too scared of the consequences, Oh and by the way *Things, I obviously didn't get owned, you heartless prick.

Facts :) its ok I bested ryan, you and tyler you never stood a chance. But as your beat I shall carry on on the freak you and tyler was beat to fast it wasn't a challenge

You're the freak, you fucking cunt, you deserve nothing in life, you're awful to people, why such a prick? Nobody will ever ever like you...

Aww I dont offended I state facts. Poor Charlotte you are outclassed and you're making this to easy its not fun when you make it this easy

Opinions* Who even are you? You're such a lazy cunt, learn to get an ask fm account
Liked by: Fuck you^^

Turning to swearing proves how butt hurt we made you. Swearing is the last stand of a despite child

Is butt hurt the only words you can choose? Is this meant to offend me? If it is then it's not working because you are amusing me..
Liked by: Fuck you^^

Nope you wanted us here now we are here to stay poor little baby careful what you wish for

Awww:) I'm loved:) I have fans:D Didn't wish for you here though, learn to read please, Bitch.


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