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The thing I put on tylers page cos of the hate!!! Hahahahaha one is ott graphic and the others are funny---ryan xxxxxxxx

lmfao xxxxxx

paragraph about tyler in detail

Basically, She is my dildo even though she is one of my best friends, she is everything to me, as caring and loving as a boyfriend, and as protective as a parent, she is everything in one, my rock, someone who i can rely on, I've known her for around a year now, and it feels as if I've known her for ALL my life, no exaggeration, we know eachother inside out, we have EVERYTHING in common, she knows how it feels to be bullied at school, we go through it together, but we don't give a shit because, yes, we may like different music and dress differently, but that doesn't mean we should be treat like outcasts, and called names, maybe we are immature, and dirty minded, but that's what makes it funnier for us, I could write a book about Tyler, if anybody asked me ANYTHING about her, I could tell her, she is the most honest, loyal, and loving person I have met in my whole life, when I'm upset, she makes me feel better, makes me laugh, if I was pissed off, or in the worst mood ever, she still never fails to make me laugh, that's what a true best friend is, you don't realize it until you meet her, but I know that I have the best friend ever, we have barely ever argued, and when we have, we've argued once, but it hasn't been a actual fallout, because we'd end up laughing at eachother, we have code names for people at school, and funny names for people that call us names, and when someone says something which sounds dirty, we always look at eachother and laugh, we know eachother inside out, I could actually go on and on forever, it was so funny when we slept at our friends house, and we couldn't sleep, because the door was open, and we was scared some random peedo would come and get us, so we walked to the door and closed it, our friend kept shouting at us because we were being too loud when she was watching something, we were meant to be watching a horror movie, but we kept talking through it, When i first met her, i thought she was really shy, but she automatically opened up to me about everything, and we found out that we both liked black veil brides, then we started hanging out, she has teached me to be who i am, and to be the confident person that I am now, and don't give a fuck what other people think about us because we have eachother. She is the most trustworthy and loyal person you could ever meet, she knows every one of my secret, people that i have liked in the past, all my celebrity crushes, every single thing about me, I could actually go on forever on how much we mean to eachother though, but what she means to me? Everything, Automatically I have a smile on my face, just skyping her, I have never loved a friend so much in my life, she isn't just like my best friend, she's bastard hilarious she is my vibrator, my milf, my dildo!

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Looool have u read that hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah xxxxxxxx---ryan


Omg tylers made me cry now I am crying :""""""( thanks soooo much babes on a stick I love u!!!!!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----ryan

Hehe it's okay MILF:')xxxxxxxxxxxxx

paragraph on ryan in detail

*carrying on,* What people think, I'm as crazy as fuck, and so are my best friends, but we don't care what other people think, we have achother, thats all we ever need, I LOVE YOU RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paragraph on ryan in detail

Ryan is one of my best friends and he always will be. I love him so much. Him and Tyler+hannah are DEINITELY the most trustwrorthy people ever. He is always there for me and cheers me up, even if i'm in the most worst mood ever he still manages to turn my tears into laughter. I love ryan so so much, he is the kindest person you will ever meet, he is so loyal. We basically met through his ex girlfriend Summah, i was best friends with her then, and i found out that Ryan liked black veil brides and my chemical romance, which was pretty fucking awesome! We were kind of friends then, then we went out, it didn't really work out because there was too much pressure so we broke up. Then we weren't friends for a while, but we made up, then we started talking about more bands we like, and we just made eachother cry with laughter, that was when i realised that ryan was a really really really perfect friend. He is the funniest person ever, the things he cums out with is unbelieveable. He used to be emo, like me, and we kind of got bullied. Then we met Tyler, she CAME in our group and i am really really really really really close with her now. I love my best friends so much. Ryan is always happy and cheerful, and you can always tell if he's upset! When i found out ryan was gay, i supported him through it, helped him through the hate, because he always helps me through EVERYTHING, and gives me support, even if it's me that's done wrong. We have fell out several times, but we have always sorted it out. I have been to his house (and fucked his blue alien) and it burst:'( sorry ryan, but it still loves me:'3 He is absolutely dirty minded, but cute at the same time, and i find it so cute how we both feel sorry for our pokemon/teddies! When me and him and tyler hang out outside of school it's hilarious, and now we have hannah in our group which is amazing but it's not getting any bigger!:D Ryan is now scene, and it's cute because i used to be scene, and it really suits him, he likes crunkcore, heavy metal, etc, and we have LOADS in common. It's hilarious in world studies and shit when we feel eachothers leg under the table, and make sex noises, and moan lmfao! 'it's okay! I'm gay!' He has the most fishiest fanny ever, IT'S FROM ALL THE BASTARD SEX! Omfg ryan when you read this, i bet they were ringing my mum because i put kinky in my work!:D Well basically, all my teddies love him, my family think he's amazing, and we're super close! We are going to stay friends forever, me him tyler and hannah, until we die, because they mean EVERYTHING to me, They are my complete life, without them i would not be who i am, i wouldn't have the guts to stand up to people who don't believe what i think, I know there are quotes such as 'Stand in for what you believe in, even if it means you stand alone' Well I did that at first, and i got so much shit because i was an easy target, i was really vunerable, now that i have back up, it's even more better because idgaf what people

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