

Ask @WillyStain

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it gets fucked up apparently if you change it too early... you will have too put tape over it lol xxxxxxxxxx

Fuck you^^
Are you allowed piercings then? as long as you put tape over?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

six too 8 weeks i think thats how long my cousin kept his in xxxxxxx

Fuck you^^
I might need to take it out for school tho?:P unless i get one ti change into with my skin colour xxxx

dats cool:P i am getting my hair bleached blonde! instead of having a piercing cos i have too wait till christmas until i can have my eyebrow pierced cos of the infection i got, i dunno what bag too get tho :-/ i wanted a vans bag or a slipknot one but tyler might think i copied her ;( xxxx

Fuck you^^
Cool:) and ah, either will look nice oh my god how long do i have to keep nose piercing in for?:o<3xxxx

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;( oh.... your getting your nose pierced? i am getting some new shoes, a new school bag (i want a slipknot one but tyler might think i am copying her....) and some more tights and leggings lol! and i am having my hair dyed ;( i am fed up! i wanted a piercing this holiday!!!! ;(

Fuck you^^
Yeah I'm getting my nose pierced. I have new shoes like normal creepers for school though, and I'm getting a new school jumper and i don't think i'm getting a new bag, because my asking alexandria one is really new anyway and theres no point in getting another. and I wanna dye my hair, but I'm growing my hair, and growing my colour out, because I'm getting my hair blonde, then my mum said i can dye it purple and stuff like that, or have streaks in it, and soon maybe lip piercing, but when I'm 15 for lip:P My mum bought me loads of cds yesterday!!!! And a bracelet:) I'm getting sempiternal though and ASKINg alexandria and motionless in whiteee

Fine, thanks. Yourself? x

I'm alright actually apart from a few stupid things:/ but apart from that I guess I'm learning:) and good:D wuu2?x

Why don't you like most one direction and justin bieber fans?

My mum bought me a top!:) can't really see it but it laces up at the front:3

ffs bby your phones still off -.- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fuck you^^
Sorry hun just got the charger, had to fill bath up, put clothes away, get pyjamas and get a charger:3 sorry, it's on now... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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