

Ask @WillyStain

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What time you cumming then? We already said half 12 yesterday now you've all just changed the bastard

I know because my mum, I'll be at like 11:50

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Well don't cum to mine early I'm not ready I need to shower let me ask the salesman now if I'm allowed.

Im fed up! Well we will bastard go to greggs and ask about greyhound and then slowly walk to yours then:) cant wait

Yeah I am but if I set off now I will be there at like 11:15 so hahah---ryan

Okay and then we're going to tylers

Wtf I might be allowed out you know? You leaving me out now? Thanks

I just told you we're coming to yours?

Charlotte wtf! You zoomed in on ur face lmfao!! Hai ryan

Lmfao i know!:) You better be ready because I'm meeting him at greggs at 11:25 then I'm going to come shitting down your drive

Oh haha omg I have ages I will set off at about 10:55 or 11:00

Haha okay:) I'm going now because I'm getting my sandwich+crisps and I'm gonna set off soon so set off at 10:55 so you're there for 11:25:)

Its ok I love u (as a best best mate) and I will do anything to see u happy and smiling :)--ryan

I love you too:) Lmfao ryan(as a best best mate) and thank you so much this means alot

Ok but its only ten and I will set off at 5 to eleven cos I am walking---ryan

Okay, thanks ryan means alot:)x

Ok :( r u ok is it serious like have I done anything to hurt u---ryan

No, it's something i need to tell you!:) Not you, I just need someone to talk too right now:),so can we meet at 11:25 at greggs? I've got changed so i just need to do my makeup;3

Omfg!!!!!!!! Err ok but I will have to proper speed cos I am walking omfg---ryan

Okay, half 11, because i need to talk to you:( And i can't do it over here, and my mum said i can go at half 11 and she needs to go out at that time anyway so, around 11:25/11:30 at greggs please

U ryan and tyler are freaks

TYLER ISN'T A FREAK AND NEITHER IS RYAN SO FUCK OFF, Come off anonymous, you're obviously scared!

Ryan looks like a fucking girl u emo why dont u fucking leave him he is not worth anyones freindship

He is my best friend, Leave him alone, he looks like a boy, do you have a problem telling genders? You're the one with problems you bastard i hate you Oh, and I don't care if I'm 'emo', Atleast I fucking can

does ryan cut I bet he does

No he doesn't leave him alone you BASTARD, YOU FIND THAT FUNNY!? WELL FUCK YOU!

Ryan is a stupid cunt, he is always spazy and then lies and says he has autism, he wears eyeliner and makes himself look like a fucking girl, tyler said he is scene and he isnt he is a fucking emo cunt like u

Fuck off, theres nothing wrong with being emo or scene, ryan looks perfectly fine, and eyeliner suits him, he is scene, leave him alone, i love ryan, criticize me as much as you want but fucking leave my friends alone you little fucking prick I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!


Language: English