

Ask @WillyStain

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Leave Charlotte alone Natasha. It's a fucking t shirt you stupid ignorant bitch. It's none of your business anyway, also it is her brothers because I saw him wearing it. But today he gave it to her so fuck off. You're just trying to cause arguments all the time.

I know, she's meant to be fucking older than us, yet she's trying to start arguments with year 8's calling them cunt's over ask fm, if anyones a cunt, it's her, and a cunts a fucking vagina.

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it wasn't even out 2 years ago you complete and utter Cunt.

Around 2 years ago, I don't know do I? Whenever my brother started liking Bring Me The Horizon, so around 1 year ago or around 6 months? Fuck off.

Why have you copied Alyx's top? You saw her with it on a couple of months ago, you lack originality

How on earth can you 'Copy a top' This is my brothers top from 2 years ago, but it doesn't fit him anymore so he gave it to me? Lol.

I know! Omg! just ask for the thinnest bar ok? Thats all I can say! Anyway I am leaving 4 ever!!!!!----ryan


Mine took 2 hours to do because I used a sewing needle and 1.6mm bar :/ so it took a lot to get it into the hole. It doesn't really matter how high you do it but it should be in the middle of the smiley :)

:o And oo okay thankyou I might try and do it again today, I'm using a safety pin, a big one, but my smiley bar is thicker than the safety pin:/

Lolage! If you hear a pop its cos its going through the centre layer in your smiley, or you could have hit a capilary thing which is bad-----ryan

Not fucking really, it says on the internet, you should hear a fucking pop when it goes through so fuck off you sarcastic bastard

I pierced my smiley and it dIdn't hurt or bleed so you definitely won't hit a vein :)

Didn't it? I want to do it but I don't get how deep it has to go and how far up it has to go, and i got scared when it went through and popped i was just like
Liked by: Janika

Did you pierce ur smiley?

Well, I tried and it went halfway through, then i heard a pop and i shit myself so i took the safety pin out really quick, but idk in which spot to do it and stuff, I don't wanna hit a vein>:O But I Accidently made tyler drop her smiley bar._. so i had to buy another and it has cost me £9 in smiley shit so far so i am GOING to DEFINITELY do it
Liked by: Janika .....

You have done something! Taking the piss out of my work! Making me believe disgusting secrets! Ur a liar ur not innocent!-----ryan


Haha! I over react! Looool!!!!!! Lmfao! Lol! Cum! Avoid cappilary things cos that makes ur mouth dodged and use a washed safety pin or needle and sterilise the bar first! If u like it do it! Tbh it will suit u!!!----ryan

We're doing it with a safety pin and we have a smiley bar from extravagance, and then we're gonna get rings for it and shit


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