

Ask @WillyStain

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Ewww no!!!! Oooft adam replied and he says he hopes u me and tyler are ok the sexy beast, he is my bro. Hahahaha---ryan

Lmfao no ryan!:3 Where is tyler-.-

Lmfao!!! Yes!!!! Hahaha he is a dirty cretin taking the piss cos I like hard dicks its soooo annoying ffs---ryan

Ikr! Nothing wrong with liking a bit of cock

Ewww and the clitoris is all rubbery and wet and it touches ur noise *vomits all over luke hodsons fat inbred face* haha---ryan

Lmfao! At the park, they spin us again, 'Omg LEWK, I HAVE SOME PEWK;3'

Hahahahaha big fat sweaty wet fanny, rubbing all over ur face covering u in fishy clunge water :)---ryan

Lmfao, they won't get any;D

Ewww u dirty clunge hahaha---ryan

'You probably don't even know what a clunge is' Said the year 7.
'IT'S A FUCKING FANNY!!!!!!!!!!!'

Haha ooooh yes, I want to piss them off too haha, I will kick off like mad even if they look at me hahaha---ryan

Lmfao, be sick on them;D

what happened at the park?

me ryan and tyler went to the park and there was people like luke hodson and people in higher years calling us depressive little faggots and emos and freaks and then saying ' Oh lets lighten the mood' and then they were planning something, they were taking the piss of ryan because he had eyeliner on and saying that he likes it up the bum because he's gay, then 4/5 of them spun us on the roundabout for 3/5minutes really really really fast, it almost broke, and then they said they're going to push us untill we be sick and then when we fall off that they will stomp our heads in, so then they got bored and stopped because ryan was going to be sick on them, and then then they were chasing us on their bikes trying to hit us so ryan called the police and some more shit they were saying stuff like 'I'm all alone' when ryan was crying, Heartless prickcs¬¬

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Cos of what happened at the park, ffs I am so pissed off I dont want to go back---ryan

I do so i can piss them off lmfao


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