

Ask @WillyStain

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I am fed up!!!! I cant sleep my dads snoring :(-----ryan xxxx

LMFAO ROYON! I'm drying my hair haha:D I'm wearing my leather jacket!

Hahahahaha chav cunt cant spell loooool night charlotte! Xxxxxxxx----ryan

Lmfao! I couldn't even make out what they were saying so it's hardly an insult:'d Night:)!xxxxx

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I am going to bed now meet me outside ur english room at the end of period 1 and I am gonna do it I am gonna go ott!!!!----ryan xxxxxxxxx

lmao kk

Do emo pikachu!!!!-----ryan xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lmfao I'm going to do a normal pikachu, an emo one, a baby one, and idk what elsexxxxxxxx

Yeah!!!! Omfg emo pikachu!!! I did a heavy metal loving cupcake!!!----ryan xxxxxxxxx

What shall i do?:p

LOL! Shall I do same as you Charlotte? Wear loads of bracelets and loads of thick eyeliner!? And make hair big at break!?:O omfg yay lol

Lmfao yeah! wear them on your jumper sleeve, and tonnes of thick eyeliner+mascara, MASSIVE hair, ill bring my expensive hairspray everyday lmfao! omfg haha!:D

I will bring a brush too school too!!!!-----ryan xxxxxxxxx

I will! shall i draw emo pikachu for my art homework?Xxxxxxx

Do it like that!!!!----ryan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lmfao I'll have to backcomb it at school though! Because my mum wont let me go to school with it like that lmfao so ill do it at break and i'll bring hairspray!:D and eyeliner to thicken it! and i'll wear my bracelets, on my jumper sleeve, and wear creepers

No its good tbh Idgaf what people think anymore!!!!-----ryan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Does it look nice like that?

Yeah!!!!!! Omfg backcombed hairs amazing yeah do urs like that!!!----ryan xxxxxxx

Haha doesn't it look weird?Xxxxxxx

Just make ur eyeliner thick, I am wearing eyeliner but not too thick, but make ur hair enormous I mean danielle hunt scale----ryan xxxxxx

It's too thin to lmfao!!!!!

I am going ott with my look just to show I am a rebel and I dont care, I am gonna show my bracelets off, backcomb my hair, where eyeliner, have chains on my trousers and more!----ryan

Lmfao do it! What else can i wear? Which school will ban lmfao

Cos its too long and extreme, idgaf I am backcombing it tomoz and wearing eyeliner so fuck them!!!!

I'm going to backcomb mine alot, and wear shit loads of eyeliner+mascara+wear my suicide silence bracelet, asking alexandria, black veil brides, and my studded ones, and put them on show, my creepers, and idk what else

Ffs the bastard school can go fist some clunge I am not cutting it!!!!----ryan xxxxxx

They can! Why do you have to cut your hair!? Lmfao!xxxxxx


Language: English