

Ask @WillyStain

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Ewww a hot steamy bath, under the water "locking up!" was there with a telescope admiring ur fanny haha---ryan

Lmfao!!!!!!!!! I'm back now, I was LOCKING UP

Omfg though she is like "they look the same" she might as well get a rat, cut a hole in its back, hammer shitty rubber to the bottom and wear it---ryan

I'm not getting involved, anyway brb bath;p

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They are cheap shit ones that dont even look like proper ones---ryan

I'm fed up inbetweeners is hilarious lmfao

Summah said u have an exact same pair of creepers as her (hers are fake ones form newlook with no pattern on the toes)---ryan

Idk mine are just them with pattern

Haha I feel dead summah is being a complete bitch with me and accusing me off calling ur names and that on ask fm---ryan

Me names? and anyway love you ryan:)

I am fed up!!!! I got fired from pulse and cocktails for using the vibrators--ryan

Lmfao! I got fired for using the dildos

I never said it charlotte ffs if anything I want u to be freinds with me and I hope u havent fallen out with me---ryan

Oh good

I never said that too fucking summah and she accused me of saying it, u hate me, tyler hates me and summah does--ryan


I am going on the extreme diet now so dont try and stop me cos I am LOCKING UP!!!!!!---ryan

Lmfao LOCKING UP, don't ffs your not fat

I am so stop saying I am not fat cos u wont change my mind!!!--ryan


I am I told paige the same I am skipping breakfast and having a small dinner and tea :(---ryan

Please don't Ryan, you aren't fat:(


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