

Ask @WillyStain

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I disagree. If you get to call me "hot" and "cute" I get to call you sexy. K? K. ;3 xoxoxoxo

But you are hot and cute
And I'm not sexy?
Liked by: Nathan


I haven't known you that long, but you and hannah are perfect together!<3 And youh are skyping me and my best friend soon:D anyways you kinda cheered me up on my birthday, you and my best friend and another person did anyways, and I think you're amazing, you are really funny, and super hot:00 xxxxxx<3
And cute c:
Liked by: Nathan

What fruit do you eat the most often?

It banned me from writing, and yeah, we just do the jimmy face at eachother hahah:) Anyways, my hand is aching, but tyler is my best friend, and she always will be. We rarely argue tbh, and when we do it's funny and we just laugh after it lmfao:) We need to go to meadowhall again sometime when I save up some money in like 3-4 weeks and go to the cinema and shit hahah!:) Anyway tyler yeh, ILY LOADS:)

Opinions on tyler?

I admit, this is not a good photo of me, but god, this girl is my life ^.^ We have so many good memories and many many more to come. I haven't really even known her for a very long time but it feels like so long because I trust her so so so so so much, and I know her more than her parents probably do. We always say stuff at the same time, and she is the most beautiful girl ever. She is perfect:) She always cheers me up when I'm sad, I met her in Science and I thought, just another fucking shitty day, until I met her, I found out she liked Black Veil Brides and Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Bullet For My Valentine, and other good bands, just like I do:) Anyways I was shy as fuck back then, but she said 'Hi' to me because she sat next to me for Science in the seating plan, and she said she liked my badges on my bag ahaha:) I found out she was in the same P.e as me, and we started working together, and I got her to listen to Asking Alexandria and Motionless In White, and now she's completely fucking obsessed like me hehe:) We used to say Andy Biersack, Danny Worsnop, Chris Motionless, Ricky Olson, Ben Bruce, Cameron Liddel, RONNE RADKE! And people like that were sexy ahah:) Well they all still are, apart from one.^-^ Anyways, we both started getting to know eachother more, and we added eachother on a website called wattpad, we were talking on that for a while, and then we started facetiming eachother all the time, and we made eachother laugh so much :D and then we started skyping because my phone wouldn't charge up from the bath ahah:) but a little while in when we started facetiming, we started hanging around with eachother at school, and Ryan used to come sometimes lmfao:) It was so much fun! And then I started going to her house, and we started going out with eachother alot to tannyard, and park and stuff, and then meadowhall, town, her house, my house, one time she came to my house, and we went to town and to clifton park to see the fitties! aha:) that day was so fun, because we went on the rides at clifton park, and then looked at the pictures after, and we looked like ronnie radke!!!!!!!And we started going on the rollercoaster and screaming, and singing songs so we just looked like total fuck heads, I think you get the picture lmfao. And then, one time we went off to meadowhall after school without our parents knowing on the bus, to get stuff to pierce our smiley, and smiley bars and shit, and my phone kept ringing ahah!:) and then we came back, and realized we have to get 2 buses back to the tanyard, and we failed like fuck, because we had to walk from town to tanyard ^_^ what fucking idiots we are omfg lol^^. And then the next day we planned to go to meadowhall, so we went there and had cottage pie in bhs, mincey minge omfg lmfao:) We have so many names for people that we hate, and names for teachers, KEN DOLL!!! Omfg lmfao we followed him today:'). If the teacher in science or something lets us sit where we want we do jimmy faceaha:)

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Liked by: Nathan


Language: English