

Ask @WillyStain

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But sometimes they don't say anything

From what you hear.. But they make me feel so worthless, and shit, call me disrespectful or whatever, but if someones mean to me, then i'm not going to be nice to them back, a lot of people don't say anything, but do the action of someone cutting themselves, that is the most sickest thing ever to do, and I guess I get mad easy when people take the piss out of something like that, because it's not a joke, it never has been, and it never will be, to take the piss out of that, you must be really low...

You moan about being bullied yet your horrible to people

That's bullshit, I stick up for myself, and my friends, and people that are being bullied, if someone calls me an emo bitch, or tells me to commit suicide, I don't just stand there, I do something about it and I stick up for myself and call them something back, if someone's nice to me then I'm nice to them, but half of the time people aren't, and they assume things about me, from what other people say, so you sir, are a cunt.

i wanna see you with your nose pierced so much;) it will suit you!

Fuck you^^
aha can't wait! My mums making me have a silver one though, not a ring she says, and not a black one because it looks like a black bogey! I was like wut!? but she says I can have whatever after a while of having it in lol:3
Liked by: Jess


Language: English