

Ask @WillyStain

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I sold my soul to the open road I'll live my life alone

You won't find me in the same spot believe me
I could never stop, my life's turned upside down
Meet me out past the train tracks I'm leaving and not coming back
You're right and I was wrong
This town will be the downfall of us all.

It's not easy making a name for yourself Where do you draw the line? I never thought I'd be in this far

Lets have some fun, and never change that for anyone! Try not to miss me when I'm gone!

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Thanks. I didn't really know what to put. I've got a lot to get my head around than people started talking about you and Tyler. And I really couldn't be arsed with it. Because I don't think you like me? One question do you like me as in friend, because I can't stop thinking about it?- summah

Yeah! Why wouldn't I?:o

opinions on tyler

Okay, well i don't know where to start, but she is the most beautiful girl that I know, and my best friend, ever.. We have so many memories and I have only known her for about a year, but if feels like I have known her all my life, we are extremely close, she is one of the only people I don't care about showing my body to, apart from my mum. She is so kind, and fucking hilarious, I skype her EVERYDAY, and normally for 10 hours+, We always have something to talk about, and she has the best sense of humor we were actually crying with laughter when we were watching videos about Billie Joe and king for a day. We are so alike that it's scary, and we say the same thing at the same time alot aha:3 She always cheers me up when I'm upset, and I go to her house ALOT:3 And we're hanging out tomorrow. Also soon she's coming on holiday with me in the motorhome, and I'm sleeping at her house next saturday! I can't wait, we're sleeping in the tent, and we're gonna make hot chocolates and do video stars and stuff like that, and go to the park:D I never get tired of talking to her, and next saturday we're going to clifton park aswell, and to town and meadowhall, and maybe park gate, and then parks after to do more videos and video stars+ pictures. It was so funny when I baked my buns in her oven;) Literally, I did:) and we're going to make loads of videos for youtube, and do loads of challenges, She means everything to me, and I never want to lose her, because I have never had a friend as good as her, I love her sosososososososo much, that i can't say it in words. She is so perfect, but she doesn't really think so:///// But she is:) we're going to bring sleeping bags and duvet and pillows and the Ipad and the laptop and stuff in the tent and make it all comfy and cosy:) I have never slept at her house before, so it will be fucking amazing:'L We are gonna go on omegle and stuff aswell on saturday and put loads of pictures on twitter and blindfolded makeup challenge and stuff:3 I even share my clothes and shit with her because we are the same size and stuff, and our parents always say we look alike and stuff aha;3 and we're going to take her dog for a walk:D and I might be bringing my dog aswell in the tent and she's really cute and small so we can put her in the video stars and stuff!:D Also we will go to mcdonalds and stuff and when she comes on holiday with me I can't actually wait because we're going to go for walks and go to parks with eachother and stuff, and do random shit, and go to the amusements and buy icecream and stuff, and we can sleep in this big double bed and it has a shower and stuff so it will be amazing:D also soon we might be going to some concerts together like papa roach and stuff so that will be amazing aswell:3 I never want to lose her because she is the best friend ever, we've been through so much together, I would write more but we both need to get in the bath, I will do like a 3 page long one in the tent on saturday+ we will do VRS

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Opinion on me?- summah

Dunno really, we aren't close now tbh, and me and Tyler saw hate about us on your page and you just put 'k' :( But yeah you're really beautiful and kind.

Opinions on ryan

I don't know really, because he acts all nice around me and Tyler, but when he is with his older friends he fucking ignores us and bitches about us, so to be honest I'd rather not to talk to him at all, because he ditched us, for the 'cool' people and he basically used us to be able to get better friends, now they have all turned against us, and all of them now shout things to us, and say that they're immature, accept they're contradictive as fuck because they go around doing the most immature things, and shouting the most immature things, whether its rude or dirty like the other month when Joe said that we are immature twats, then he goes around saying that he's a sperm, then he said that it's immature at a funny level, it wasn't even funny, and people only laugh at him because they think that he's 'Hot' I admit, some things that he said in the past was actually funny, but he always used to laugh at us, and now it seems like his head is that far up his arse he can't even stand being near us anymore, because he won't look 'cool' just because we aren't popular, and aren't that liked. We actually liked Joe, and thought that he understanded us, when he talked to us and facebook and stuff, but now he just acts like nothing happened, and that we weren't even that good friends, he used to support us, especially when we fell out with Ryan. And now that everyone is up his arse, they all take sides with him, and join in and call us immature. Also the other day, Joe and his friends were shouting stuff to me and tyler, and it sounded really horrible and immature, so they really cannot say anything about us being immature. We've stopped going to B block so they won't say stuff to us anymore, and to get away from them, but as soon as we walk past, they shout something out of the door to us, also they tell us that we bully other people, and we moan about getting bullied, but to be honest, we like to argue with people if they say something to us, so it doesn't reallt effect us, we only say it bothers us to get the twats into trouble, and if we 'bully' other people it's because they are either being a prick, or they have bullied one of our friends, or they are just generally twats, and try to look nice infront of people, but outside of school call us names. Also, some people not mentioning names, say stuff to us over the internet, but then when they see us, act like they're friends with us, and this person sent Tyler a friend request on facebook, after an argument, and called me a cunt for having a t shirt. We have no problem with people arguing with us, and having their opinion and say, but when we say stuff back, we always get classed as the twats, it's always us that get the blame for everything, and nobody really seems to believe us no matter what we say. Therefore, when people talk to us, we would rather them show their true colours when they see us in real life, and show people what they actually are like to us, instead of making us seem ignorant

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If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Andy biersack and food and drink

What are your plans for the week?

Well tomorrow I'm going out with Rob and Tyler:3 And next saturday I'm sleeping at Tyler's house in the tent and it's going to be amazing;) and we're also going to town:3 and stuff like that, I can't bastard wait, we're going to the park and stuff too and doing loads of video stars and pictures and watching films and stuff:'3


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