

Ask @WillyStain

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Ryan shut the fuck up, Charlotte stop giving him a soapbox to stand on. Stop answering the sad little attention seeking, whining fucktard and he goes away. Its fucking up my newsfeed. Failing that, block him, it worked for me. The only possible reason for him to want an argument via this site, it to

Lmfao!Okay i will do now;;'3

I am not a finger that has been stabbed by a needle and my fingers swell up when they get pricked so they are quite big so ha!!! And u did call me names u called me loads of shit!!!

No, but you are a fucking dick;D

Well u called me names first, dont give what u dont want back ffs u have no clue do u cyber whore!!!!!

I never called you anything!!!!!!!! FUCK OFF, You little prick

I do know, I have been bullied since I was four, and u get upset cos a boy wont go out with u

No i don't? I was upset because you called me names!

I dont think about myself, u do!!! If u were really had no self confidence u wouldnt make others feel like shit!, I called u names cos u hurt me

You hurt me by calling me names, you don't understand that words hurt, I'm still fucking upset

I made u cry, u always did something stupid too make us fall out, u know I have no idea why I was still freinds with u the first time, it was cos I didnt know what a horrible, evil spiteful cow u were

You're the evil one, you are horrible to me, you have no idea how bad you make me feel about myself, leave me alone now, you always make stupid reasons to fall out with me, and bring the past back, leave.

U r not fucking trust worthy u bitched about me behind my fucking back to joe


I cant u have no idea what u made me feel like in the past!!!!

And we sorted that out, you have made me cry several times, and made me feel like shit, just go away

U did worse too her, she is a lovely caring, mature and trust worthy person, u r just plain horrible u make me buy pointless shit, say u will pay me back and u dont!

No i didn't! I just said it's not right that she's dating josh now because tyler was upset! And you said you bastard wasn't pleased with it so SHUT UP you're not mature are you, I'm trustworthy, I never tell secrets, I thought you was going to leave us alone?

Well u ditched me in a field, call me names, fallen out with me about 5 times, u embarass me, hurt my freinds feelings... Hannah did fuck all too u!!!

That was in the past, no i haven't called you names!? You called me a slut, a poser, you said you hate me! You embarrass me! And yeah, she did fuck all to you but you still bitched about her didn't you!

With "chris" hahahahahahaha u r such a fucking cyber whore he is not real ffs its obvious, u got the pic from google images I have seen it manytimes u r a fake!

Just go away, i have done fuck all to you

I am gonna move down!!!!! Hahahahahaha wtf u try and move up ^^ not down hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha and I might be going to meadowhall with hannah hahahahahahahaha and u r going with "robbie"

With Chris.. and idc its science and idgaf

I am not a backstabbing twat and oh god ffs why are we in science together

Maybe because we're in the bastard same one ? I will try and move down anyway

Well for a start how do u know my balls havent dropped eh? Wanting a look u dirty bastard, and another thing I am ramming a load of metal through my face so fuck of?


U do u bully hannah and me so dont lie!!!!

I don't bully you or hannah. I stuck up for myself with you, and I do not bully hannah. I was sticking up for Tyler because she liked Josh,and shes my best friend and you know she did, you even said she was a ginger slut so fuck off you backstabbing twat

I bet none of them like u, why dont u go bully someone for no apparent reason and I have a dad thanks

I don't bully people, and yeah of course and idgaf go away

I bet u never came today cos u have one freind---ryan

Fuck off ryan, that's bullshit, i was ill, you cocky bastard, and i have more than one friend, Tyler, Anna, Alyx, Alex, Summah, Paige, Jess H, Joe, Kieren, Sam, and more

Rate: 10 and you will always be my friend no matter what! I actually can't believe he is taking everything out on us. He's dumping his problems on us, he needs to sort them out himself tbh

I KNOW! And he always fucking goes around after the argument making out like we're twats


Language: English