

Ask @WillyStain

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Did u go out today?

Yeah, and it was annoying as FUCK, me Faye, and Tyler, went to the park, and people like luke hodson, charlie jones, bradley mead, and other twats, they came up to us on the roundabout and stood on it with us, but like 6 of them, just to piss us off, then one of them said ''Nice arse'' to me and then i said ew no, and then they said no actually, It's skinny, and i was like, well I don't want a fucking fat arse do I? And then one of them said 'I do' so i just ignored the bastards, and they came off roundabout after a bit, and then we sat down in this thing, and then they came to us, started being twats again, and we told them to fuck off, then they hit me on the head with a football a few times, and hey were throwing stones at us, immature little bastards, they actually have to hit girls? How sad is that? They don't have anything else better to do, so yeah, that was getting annoying and it actually hurt Faye because they threw a stone at her leg, then kept throwing stones at us, I rung my mum, because she's a policewoman, and then they all ran off when they heard me on phone, and then they went into morrisons, so my mum went in telling them that she is a policewoman and shit like that,and she went in a nice tone, and just said that they wouldn't like it if they were people hurting their sisters or soemthing like that then some were laughing and stuff, then my mum said, so don't do it again and stuff, and then then we were about to walk off but someone said 'I bet she's not a policewoman' and I said, ''Yes she fucking is'' then my mum said, Yes i am, and if you want, tomorrow do the same thing, same time, and the difference is, I will be in my uniform, so if you really want to hurt them, do it then, because it's not right hurting girls, theres loads of you picking on them two and it's not fair

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Anything else u gettin 4 bday?

Liked by: reaper

What are you getting for bday?


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