

Ask @WillyStain

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Ewww I feel sorry for the seat on the popular chavs bikes, they have to have a gonnoreah filled dick on them 24 7---ryan


That got out of hand today! Theres a difference between name callig which is bad enough, but then doing that was awful, while abusing you! I'm glad i wasn't involved

Thankyou:) and I know, it was horrible, I felt really ill after

Omfg she didnt enjoy It so fuck off anon cunt or I will have leeches sown into ur eye sockets and slice off ur lips and cut u till u die of blood loss she isnt fat fuck off---ryan

Lmfao! Thankyou Ryan:D

Hey u I saw u looking at me today, when u turned around I saw ur face... (Heavy metal starts) and I thought what a fucking disgrace, ur mum is ashamed at what she created, she nows what u r, a fucking (scream) disease!!!!! Haha sing that to luke hodson its by vampires everywhere---ryan


they need to be careful wickersley dunt like bullying n they end up kickin them out if they cause too much hassle they will be sent to some crap school see how they like that wont last two miniutes with real chavs BUNCH OF WANKERS

Exactly;] Thankyou

Ino so what If they get done? It was only 3 year 9s and someone else whoever you said you need to tell school that!

Yes and I will.

You haven't got 'bullied' before so why are you acting as though its been happening ages u cock

Yes we have just not physical

U taking it into school, If you are it's Abit pathetic seen as the police are dealing with it

No, the police emailed Mr Hudson, because it wasn't right

Comment below me, you don't know what he has to go through so just shut the fuck up. Also you're never too young to have life problems. So just fuck off and leave us all alone!



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