
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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ikr your legs like lidi but takyah lah nak pakai seluar macam tu, still aurat.

ikr that your intentions were good, i'll take it as an advice & lets change to be better in the future. thanks for reminding :)
Liked by: Si Gadis

If you could have a role in any TV show, what would it be?

amanda clarke bcs powerful & strong as hell

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+ and masuk kelas Sains Pertanian is very out of line from my ambition. Saya nak jadi pilot!!! Drng musnahkan cita2 saya. Guru2 paling tak bertamadun saya pernah jumpa. So adlina tq lah sbb sudi mendengar. Saya just rasa sedih sgt~ TvT :(

astaghfirullahalazim. why are you still in that school though? bawak mengucap. tak baik cakap macamtu awak.

+ I mean like kalau takboleh tukar ckp jelah takpayah lah nak bagi harapan dekat org. Saya malas dah nak merayu2 soh tukar lagi. Drng igt saya pengemis ke nak rayu2 ni?? So nxt week saya periksa midterm rasa cam malas nak buat betul2. Bcos so disappointed. :(

every titik peluh yg rayu tu, surely wont go to waste unless you quit. do the best for your future. dont be immature and ended up regretting your decisions. work hard, study hard, insyaallah. rezeki ada dekat mana2. you do know you could study after spm for physics in pre U, right? work hard for that.

+ yelah rasa mcm usaha2 kita takde hasil tau for 3months. Dah lah takboleh tukar pastu ugut2 org lagi. Serious lah school management saya SO SUCKS !!! Saya bersumpah ah saya takkan salam tgn drng time SPM ! Bullshit diorang tu! Saya menangis time dpt tahu tu. :(

whats more bullshit is you going against your teachers & you not wanting to shake hands with your teacher. tak berkat. i understood the frustrations but tak baik la macam tu, awak. change schools then

ok so saya nak amik Fizik tp dpt Sains Pertanian. So saya nak tukar. Jumpa cikgu and drng kata "Kalau nak tukar periksa penggal 1 ni buat2 betul baru boleh". So, saya bljr lah rajin2 - and got No. 1 in class^^ . Tapi, bila saya jumpa cg dia kata "TAKBOLEH TUKAR" ! Saya pon rasa mcm kena betray.

buat la aduan dekat lembaga or what not. idk if its possible though. ive never experienced this. which form are you in? kalau form 5 might be impossible. congratulations for your achievement. if in my school, they'd give a couple of months period for us to change our mind for streams tu pun if form 4 la

Do u like kpop?

listened to a few songs back then. i enjoy their reality shows more i guess ☺️

since when pakai makeup? & belajar dri mana

i've been loving makeup ever since forever rasanya. i've been watching julie g since i'm 11 on youtube 😂 mommy taught me some things too


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