
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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What will you do if you can't choose which selfie youre gonna post?

I post none or susahkan hidup orang lain asking them to pick which one

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What tudung best suited for light pink dress?

I loooove wearing creams/mochas with light pink. But if you want to go bombass go for anything black/white

adlina, can take more vids of ur adik boy?? he is so cutee la😍

Hahah dia tak duduk diam susah nak ambik video dia

Adlina, braces price is too expensive for me so should i buy the soft braces one from ig? (If u dont know wht is that u can search it on ig) sbb my gigi like jongang gak ah and cam malu lak bila ckp bila gigi centu tpi i tk tau la i patut beli ke tk :/ wht do u think

Tapii bahaya la awak. Unless it is approved by the kementerian kesihatan malaysia, then go for it. If not, just get retainers instead.

U ada which palette from makeup revolution

I have 10 palettes from makeup revolution 😭😭🔫🔫🔫 tak ingat haha sorry


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