
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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I tried using the innisfree clay mask volcanic apa benda tah tu. Like lepas basuh like aaaa sejuknyaa rasa like my face is soo so so so clean and dreaming like i have ur skin tapi tak mampu beli expensive products semua 50+ ugh takda ke 10 ringgit hahaha

omg gurl same!!!! even drugstores pun expensive kan 😭 the struggle!!!! aaaa dont flatter me like that, i bet your skin is just as beautiful as it is 😘💘

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Senang tak addmaths haritu

salam, if possible i would not want to discuss nor comment about any of the papers that ive sit for yea. hope you understand. thank you 😸

Senang tak chem and physics

salam, but if possible i would not want to discuss nor comment on any of the papers ive sit for yea. hope you understand. thank you 😸

Thaaank u for answering! hehe masker apa best eh? yg u rasa elok?

try the ones from sephora/ innisfree. gogle where to find innisfree produxts in malaysia :)

i mean windsorsmith 😂

i bought mine from australia but you can find them at online sites if im not mistaken, google around! 🙇🏼

Suggest the best time to work out

i'll usually do planks in the morning, crunches waktu siang & a few others randomly


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