
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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You keep on changing using different products eh? Why? Sometimes ppl say tukar tukar nanti jadi teruk.

to search for something better ofcourse. its not like i commit 100% to innisfree or such. i barely wear them but instead, i just wear them every once in a while.

It's a joke Adlina. Don't take serious 😊

is it considered a joke kalau menghina orang? to compare someone as to they are to a stick? :)

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mcm mana nk jd cantik cam adlina? ur skin so clean putih sgt!! and so so clean!!!!!!! haih insecure

takda la awak. i'm pretty sure you're very very beautiful yourself too :)

kenapa u tkleh bgtahu je u pakai skincare apa?

it has something to do with my connections & business matter. i would love to just say it out loud now but there is still so many work to be done and i have my spm in a few weeks i just dont want it to be a distraction because before i even started pun dah sibuk dah. taknak la fikir pasal tu dulu until i finish my spm. hope you understand my situation now, yea? sorry 🙇🏼💕

concealer revlon murah ke? foundation selalunya rm50kan? mahal dohhhh takde yg murah ke 🙎🏼🙎🏼🙎🏼

hahah i'm not so sure! sorry!

Can you tell me how much the innisfree cleanser that u use? And what kind of it? Thanks :)

i tak pakai innisfree lama dahhh

hi adlina,nak tanya kat mana boleh dapatkan innisfree and macam mana nak hilangkang whitehead 😁

dok paka doh innisefree semek weh. lama doh

Sorry for asking but I really want to know what is ur weight? You look like a 'lidi' 😂 kurus sangattt!!! Any tips, adlina?

if you can surely call me lidi i assume you should be wise enough to google your goddamn tips yourself la, kan? :)

Adlina apa beza foundation dgn concelear?

concealer untuk tutup jerawat/ jeragat & could also work as a highlighter. foundation ni bedak asas. pakai primer, foundation then baru boleh pakai blusher, highlighter, concealer, etc

bb cream & cc cream is the same right?

nope, bb stands for blemish balm. cc cream is a colour corrector thats why it is a little bit thicker than bb creams. spf contains pun lain in both products. bb cream punya spf would be lesser than cc cream.

Adlina,concelear lol wrong spelling wtv but boleh pakai all around face eh

ikut la but concealers will feel very very cakey la, pakai foundation je la all around the face. takda rasa heavy sangat :)


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