
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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haha,macam 4 pic 1 word la ni?haha.emmm, 4 huruf

Hm bolehlah. 4 huruf? Alaa susahnya. Are we in the same class ke apa? Give me 3 other clues please please please

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hahah ikr. albert fucking einstein

Um wait. Whut? Albert fucking einstein? That sounds sooo wrong in everyway...

tengah belajar.form 3 lahhhh

Alaa mesti kenal en, hm bagi atleast one alphabet that exist in your name? Haa lets solve this game.

okay okay,lagi 15 minute siapp.bake? bolehh.kelas? rahsiaaaa.hehe

Eh bake lava cake can? Apa ni, bagitahu lahh. Tell me form berapaaaaaaaaaa

tahuu laa.cakap jee nak makan apaaa.yupp satu sekolah.

Steak or mac& cheese or anything jelah. Um, can you bake? :D hehe kelas apa?

haha,meh nak tolong masak.nak?

You reti masak? :O hahaha macam mana i nak makan? Kita satu sekolah eh? Do i know you or not?

ohhh,makan popcorn.you dekat sorang sorang ke?

Tengah lapar ni en, popcorn pun rasanya sedap gilaaa. Nolah, I'm with my sisters :)

laaa,kenapa tak makan?

Because no one ajak masa tengah dinner. Plus parents makan dekat luar :3 and malas nak turun bawah tengok makanan apa dekat bawah hahahahah


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