
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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muka you mcm tkde imperfections je.😔blg uh ape rashia adlina?😅

genes kot 😭😂 because most of my family members have a good skin complexion, i just inherit them. thats all!

Ud naked on the run still avail at sephora my tak?

i saw then at paradigm last couple of weeks, not so sure now. go check on their website yea

Hi Adlina! Lets say im starting a youtube video, but my video is mainly on me talking about random topics on each videos (eg: Starting your life on Uni, How to survive High School, The types of Malaysian friends & such). Would you kindly enough do a collaboration? If yes, I would be email you soon?

if you would give me a better take on where your channel is heading to, about the crowd and the title of the collab, email me details. since collab work both ways, i would want to know what impact & benefit could it bring to my channel & crowd 😸 (( adlinaasuhaimi@gmail.com ))

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Adlina,muka u ada tak bulu dkt pipi ke or dahi? I ad coz mix pakistan huaaa

haa nope, n'ah thats normal for everyone to have

Yeahhh finally i found your ask, i have a lot question tho. Soz if annoyed you ke apa 😂🙏

hahah no worries, do ask 🙇🏼

Im sorry sbb too many fake acc nowadays, i just want to know if this real or not cause i adore adlina. I hope this is real adlina 😊

haha n'ah dont worry this is a real oneee i connected this account to my twitter 🙇🏼💜

Hi adlina mcm mana trial?? Hehe #anoncaring

hii #anoncaring alhamdulillah, got improvement la comparing to mid-term punya exam 😸

I have 1 question for you. Do you prefer black or dark brown or just brown eyebrow pencil?? What colour do you think that suits every single skin tone? Mine is fair and pale. Some people said I should use black or grey because I am fair and pale. But idk. What do you think? :)

use whatever you think suites you. also, your eyebrows should be based on your looks. if you want to go for something edgier, go darker. if its just a simple look, go light brown or light grey. either one is beautiful. i normally go for dark brown or grey

Reaaaalllly??? Hahaha bcs dia mcm I don't know where's the arch and it's so so hard to make a shape tau when it comes to curvy eyebrows. Mcm sad eye brows pun ada

just brush them through upwards, that will do it

What foundation u use? And what concealer?

i dont wear foundations, its either the maybelline fit me! concealer or the naked skin ones

Really ? Have you ever feel like "I want to pluck my eyebrows and make it nicer" blah blah blah ? Bcs I felt that kinda feeling too. But I was too afraid. And I know it's not good. But my eyebrows is a bit on the curvy side so it's hard to make a shape and stuff hm.

hahah kinda! curvy eyebrows cantik la, awak. it will make you look younger bc it will illustrate a softer look on your face. untung! 😸

You are so so lucky bcs you have a very beautiful and gorgeous eyebrows even without plucking. Perfect shaped and everything. Wow just wow

alhadulillah, sweetheart 🙇🏼💕 there were many temptations to pluck them! i'm not even kidding but n'ah i'll leave them "perfectly" bushy 😂😂😂 hihi

What do you think of foundation but in a stick ? Is it good ? :)

to me, its thick and i tend to avoid concealers and foundations in a form of stick because they'll get cakey on me. if you dont think you would need that much of coverage, i would suggest you to use liquid foundations and concealers instead for a more natural look :)

Adlina can u post a pic of biore pore strips that u used? It is hard for me to find. It so many.

aaa i dont stick to any specific ones, they work just the same for me haha sorry if this is a late one! ☺️

Adlina you are so pretty ❤ btw umur you berapa? You pakai skincare apa? Hehehe and one more thing you suka pakai shawl apa?

thank you ☺️ i'm 17 this year. i love chiffon/ georgette or mixed crepe ones

Room tour pls! 💞💞

haha im sorry, awak. but i think my room is a private space of mine and for safety reasons, i dont think its going to be appropriate. sorry yea! 🙇🏼💕 hope you'll understand

what do u use to blend in liquid stuff? l

you mean liquid foundation and concealers? i use beauty blender or flat shader foundation brush

Hahaha i just know that they stayed in shah alam but not sure what school they are going hahaha mianhae pretty 😂

hahah its okay, that happens!


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