
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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Nak buat apa for impress her??

Buat baik. Keep everything PG-13. Be nice & gentleman. Jangan asyik nak dengan perempuan je. Go and talk with the dudes too. Lastly, BE NICE.

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bn tak adil cam anjing. dah ah kutuk ulama' pas, kutip duit rakyat dan return balik 10% percent je. igt dia bgus sgt tp lawan ckp tok guru and UAI bodo betul. takpe tunggu lg 5 tahun in shaa allah

Calm down bro. We cant be exactly just like them by saying that. Mind to be more silent and not rudely loud. If this is the way our men act, I'm not possibly sure for the next 5 years. Insyaallah for the next 5 years :)

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

If there's food or anything edible infront of me. Lapor

Style kot s4, kalau kita tgok video lepastu kita tgok tv dia stopp.iphone adaa??

Takda. Tak kisah pung~

Lapar membuat anda gila. Yupp, genius. Ehmergerd

No food no brain. Harhar idioticly answered. Ermahgerdd

Yee saya pun lapar. Mcd pun sampai #ooo

Oooooo shipping terengganu satu ooooooooooo lapar siot harhar

Itu la pasai. Makan ah tu, sibuk berpolitik sampai lupa makan. #hambar #fuckyea

Nanti goreng french fries. #lapar #takdakenamengena


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