
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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untuk ujian pertengahan tahun, berape markah english you..your grammar is good girl. :)

i got 89 sikiit lagi nak a+ hahaha thank youu

What would you do if someone hate you?

i don't see that as something that i should take action on. they're the ones who are hating, not me. so its their problem la

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

me & abe qt22/7 4evA

Masa bila tak prnh story doh ish :\ Budak nk umur 18 mmg igt semua hmm

banyak la k0 ni cerita haritu tak story!!! ishh

Nov 10, igt K :p Koyak la masa tu kak, nnt org story la :(

T.T koyak ke rabak ke bukan nak story kan :(( eh eh bagusnya ingat kahkahkah

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

i'd marry miranda kerr

Sabtu ni doh :'D

amboi. entah ingat ke tidak birthday orang bila dah la haritu jumpa bukan nak tegur dulu aish


Language: English