
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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ahh, ya Allah kite tkde niat pun nak disguise as u😂tkde time awak.. kite ss pun sbb nk tgk ur make up looks then me and my friend pun nk try buat mcm urs... sorry😅tp srs lepas tu kite da delete da😄👍btw mcm mane nk tau klu org ss kite nya sc?

Ya allah hahah I wasnt saying it was you subhanallah, no hahah I was just being cautious since an individual disguised as me using my screen shotted snapchat pictures. Thats all 😹

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Heyy. Do you ever tried bio essence make up remover ? Is it okay ?

Nope, never tried that one before haha its quite hard for me nak try all those items since i jenis payah nak try something new

Adlina do u know any insta shop yg jual inner neck yg ok?

Nope... I biasa beli inner neck yang cikai (price-wise) je because theyre the best

where do you find yourself in another 10 years?

I'd be somewhere outside, putting myself in situations which I wont dare to put myself in now, I'd be happy alongside my family. Cherishing every achievements. At any seats of the infamous fashion weeks. Walking and striking in with my over-priced birkins accompanied by my hubs. Leaving fashion shows early and not making it to the after party because it was too crowded and I need to get myself back to my beloved kids & the demand of my work to be up early tomorrow morning. I would contribute back to my parents by giving them an amount from what I earn.
Liked by: HaniDeens atin Nasuha yna

(Cont.) can you give me some advice on how dealing those feelings and give me some tips before started doing yt videos? ++ i guess i should buy a good camera to film, right?

Hii I read the whole of your question heres my opinion; I think its very important to have a better content rather than editing/ camera. It is very important to just be yourself & pick a language that you're going to be very comfortable with. If you'll be comfortable with malay/english/ manglish go on ahead. I took 6-7 years before posting my videos online & trust me, kita faham if you feel taken-aback by the pressure and its okay. Only post with your own risk and confidence. You need high confidence doing this & trust me, even if you're not confident pun doing youtube videos will help you boost your confidence entirely. Think about the content thoroughly first, then only think about the edits and what not. Kalau drugstore ke apa ke doesnt matter as long as you are genuinely doing this to share your passion and insyaallah, that should be fine. Take care & goodluck!

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Oh but what if you tak kenal that person and he/she add you but you don't want them to watch your snap sebab you kan tak kenal them ? you remove ke

No la hahah :) I biar je

If someone you tak kenal add you on snapchat but you tak add back can he/she still watch your snap? or you must add back then can watch

Can can, they still an watch but I can't watch theirs


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