
Adlina Suhaimi

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Hey, like 10 of my answers and ask me a question and I will do the same straight back to you :)) Just delete this question too :)

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politics shld not be the reason people fight in malaysia. its a disgrace. but im jusr asking for ur opinion do u prefer nik aziz or najib? im just asking, no hate all

Mainly, the TV and radio stations are exposing a lot about Najib and I can hardly find nik aziz on TV or heard his point of views. Basically, either ways for both parties, I am not amazed by any. Maybe because I am still a teen. In conclusion, and as for an answer to that question, I prefer keeping that to myself. To respect the elderly. And the under-age ones should really stop talking about politics. Yes, they might have some points right and idk i am even allowed to give views on politics since I'm under-age. So yea. Sorry if its a long answer :)

LK ? Wow , confirm you pandai lukis . Kenapa you tak nak ambik PA ?

Hahahahaha tak lah. Hm entahlah. PA is accounting right?

Perangai you dengan kakak you dekat rumah macam mana ?

Us at home, sangat gila. Kecoh, bising, suka bergurau, usik orang, annoy each other, but we'll always have each other's back. Gaduh pun, tak sampai 1 hour dah ok. As in lepas gaduh, keluar bilik, mesti tegur. Haa macam tulah. Hahahaha

Do you prefer books or movies?

Both. Reading books will actually help you imagine things bigger & something outside of the box. Yknow. So both lah.


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