
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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To those anon who asked where to buy those product that can kecutkan pimples, I suggest you all to buy magic jelly from instagram , it is very good for skin bcs it's made from aloevera and cucumber and it also have many advantages as well ☺️☺️

waah ^ thank you! 😸💕

Adlina, klau kita pakai concealar sahaja, the next day bila nak basuh muka kena pakai makeup remover ke? If so, do you know any makeup remover yg okay?

memang everyday, if you pakai makeup kena buang guna makeup remover. i use simple makeup wipes!! theyre superrr good!!

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but i hv the same height as u . and im 58 kg 😭😭

different people with different walks of lives, dont compare you worth by how much you weigh, love.

kalau dapat result elok nak sambung mana?

insyaallah kalau ada rezeki, nak fly. tapi nak menuntut ilmu tak baik memilih, jadi ikut rezeki dapat dekat mana :)

Adlina takyah ah layan anon tu tetiba lak nak mental sakai tahpape shallow minded gilaaa

n'ah takpa la, let them be 😸

kau kalau boleh sume benda kau tak tau pelancau babi ha kan dah kene geram lak aku. padahal kedekut nak kongsi tips sume. bodo diorang tak batak la dengan skin kau tu

rather than ruining someone's skin and getting the blame & since i am just 17, i'm trying to be polite and asked them to go see a better point of view upon their skin problems. i am not a dermatologist, i dont know how to fix all of the skin problems. cakap sila guna akal & hati yang lapang. sila makan ubat panadol menstrual eh? have a good day. semoga allah swt merahmati anda! :)
Liked by: Aisya

Adlina mana nak dpt Maybelline Fit Me Foundation, Powder and Concealar? Barang ni semua tak available kat Malaysia ke? Or Adlina ada taktahu brg ni jual kat mana2? Sbb kalau beli online cam lama lak nak tunggu...brg ni ada kat malaysia ke?

i ordered online from a v v lovely girl ( @NurshazlynnaTan )! its a wait, but hella worth itttt

Adlina ringan nya 39 je goals gilaa...cantik pandai putih pandai berfesyen semua goalsssss.😭😭😭

its underweight, not goals sweetheart.

i want to keep my skin free from pimples, but theres always some ppl gonna offer me a sugary drinks :(

u can always say "no" :) doesnt hurt to do something for yourself too sometimes, kan?

ya Allah kurusnya 39 kg ja 😭 jealousnya cause im fat

takda la, i think it fits my height la since i'm short 🙇🏼😹

hello! mind if you share some tips on how to keep our faces free from pimples? youre soo adorable! ;)

hands off of your face. i'm being serious, kalau awak lagi banyak pegang your face, lagi banyak jerawat sibuk nak tumbuh

can i lick your shoes?

thats very very unsanitary, hadith nabawi ada menyebut bahawa kebersihan itu separuh daripada iman.

what is yr height and weight adlina if you dont mind 😊

i'm just going to say this once. i weigh 39 kilos. i am 155 cm short.

adlina klau org tu xsuka kita lepastu dia jeling kita nak buat apa? sedangkan dia yg salah.

hve this implaint in your mind "what are you? 6?"type of mindset. ignore the ones that aren't worth your time. serious.


Language: English