
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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kalau i tk ada peralatan make up mcm u, tp i nk makeup utk graduation cantik mcm u haa mcm mana tu hahahahaha 😭😢

takpa, tak payah peralatan. use dupes la instead. tak payah guna exact makeup pun

hi pretty adlina! i nak tanya, dlm u punya youtube video tu, yg graduation look tu kan, u tk pakai eyeshadow pun kan?

hii assalamualaikum, nopee

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I freaking love ur videos adlina especially ur voice calm je ur voice

aaawh hhaha thank you ✌🏼️😚✌🏼️

Which colour suit for tan skin for ur opinion :)

coral, red-orange, purplish-pink, anything with warmer tones to it. brownish-pink, mustard, etc

mcm mane u jage ur punya muka glowing and clear !!?

i pakai mask from sephora! the one that looks like an egg, warna bright pink

kalau nk buat braces, the first thing dorg buat straight away ke kene x-ray or smth

x ray, they'll mould your teeth sets & then pakai

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

kalau tak naik plane, naik private jet ke air force one ke kira ok la tu iye dok? hehehe

does the detox water really effective😸

haa i dont know though, i only tried once or twice when my mom made it for our guests. try fruits instead. they're the original detox.

Adlina concelear apa yg okay & murah? & where to find brush?

good one would be from etude house. brushes i'd go for the ones from sasa since theyre freaaking soft. abort the ones from h&m and f21. those are so harsh.

do you know how to do your own detox water?

cut lemons, put it in a cold water. add a few tablespoons of lemon juice and a few carik of mint. leave in the fridge for a night andd waaalaaaa!

u pray 5 times a day? do u??

it is between me & Him. as far as you have to be concerned, I am obliged to fulfil my duty as a muslim. the only barrier differentiating a kafr & a muslim is their solat. so, lets just keep it as a secret between my Lord & I.

What does a perfect day look like to you?

bangun awal, solat, light breakfast, jogging, mandi, read something, get ready, shopping, makan, && the rest will be beautiful if spent with amazing valuable people

beauty tips pls ?

drink water. lots & lots & lotsss of them. it'll give you a better skin complexion & will help you with detox 😚😚


Language: English