
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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Adlina post a selfie pls, nak tengok braces you :)

u get me new phone plis, phone broken already & btw, its silver & black :)

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Whats ur youtube channel/account/page wtv it is

youtube.com/adlinasuhaimi hvent posted a thing bcs im still super busy sorry

Adlina, best tak pakai 5c ? Btw harga dia mahal ke tak eh ?? Haha, rasa mcm nak beli :)

it was nicee until u accidentally dipped them in a glass for a few seconds. glory days dieeeeeeee nah jk theyre nice not as expensive like the other iphones :)

i have goldfish named joey, it is female, today morning i bought male goldfish to mating and put it down in joey's tank and leave my house, 1 hours ago i returned at home and my new male fish was anymore in tank, he disappeared. can you tell me what happened?

u makan kot

You kena buat tuto shawl before masuk sekolah tauuu sbb I taknak ganggu pembelajaran you :(

awh hahah no worries!

Aw i didnt expect for you to answer it tht long, but thanks for the tips yeah! :) lets see what will happen to me after 2-3 months. What bout your food intake? Do you eat rice?

yeah but i only makan about 2 tablespoons because right after all those fasting and restrictions, you wont even rasa macam nak makan nasi

What's the biggest fashion faux-pas for you?

my hideous clothing in primary school when i was 10-12 ayyer ugly


Language: English