
Adlina Suhaimi

Ask @adlinasuhaimi

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Where do you get all set of skincare tu haha sebab tak pernah dengar n one more boleh tak list kan price sekali thankyou lina 🌸

I got it from sephora, you can check for their price dekat their website okie
Liked by: Alieya Mohamed

can u pls share your body size before you start working out and after ?

Coming to think about it I wasnt that big, its because I'm very very short. I am still not comfortable with sharing that info yea, sorry!
Liked by: Alieya Mohamed

How to pick which color that i should use naked 2? Mostly byk shimmering and pls help me for a minimal make up look and utube byk make up jenis tebal 😭

Naked 2 I tak guna sangat so I passed it to my mom 😭 tapi cuba guna a very light hand on the colours and blend well. Nanti nampak soft je
Liked by: Alieya Mohamed

Hi adlina :)) kalau pkai moisturiser then apply bb cushion, lpastu..? What's the next step ?Ke i'm all ready ? 😂 cause i prasan mesti muka like oily lpas pakai bb cushion tu. Its from laneige :/ ke sbb tak sesuai ? Lol byk soalan sorrrrryy 😣

Pakai la what you would want macam mascara ke apa, hmm kalau like that cuba set your whole face with setting powder, it wont be as oily nanti
Liked by: Alieya Mohamed

Adlina!! Lawanyaaa Rose jadi model! 😭 I adore her so muchiee! Her face nampak so rosy 🌹. Anyway, you taknak jadi model ke? 😍😏

😭😭♥️♥️ kaaan! She memang cantik pun without makeup also so bomb! Hahah I tak rasa I layak
Liked by: Alieya Mohamed

adlina, kita nak beli real techniques brushes tapi tktau yang mana satu nak beli u.u any suggestion?

Beli yang dalam set tu! Berbaloi sikit

Adlinaa how to make plain coloured background on snapchat story eh? :/ like in ur stories selalu warna pink and black etc

Pick an emoji then zoom in


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