

Ask @stefanust

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What do you guys think of chinese guys dating (I can't find the right word in English & I hope that this is not going to sound rude) pribumi girls?

I personally have nothing against it but my family, like any other cinaks, is sure against it. It's just sad and stupid that we still value a person based on their ethnicity.
Wah mau tulis alasan dan sejarah perseteruan antara etnis cina dan pribumi di sini tapi mager. Kalian bisa coba cari di Google sendiri yha. For a start you can read Geger Pacinan.
I like how my lecturer, Pak Nanang, put it (the cause of the ongoing tention between these two ethnics), "Like many bad things in life that are happening right now, it all started with white people.".

hai kak, bikin semacam 'things you need to know to survive college' dong. sekedar heads up buat kami2 yg mau masuk kuliah tahun pertama. hehe. thanks though!

I think some users here have given you a good insight on what to do when you're in college so I am just going to add one more thing here: pay attention to your syllabus. It's really important.
I once got a B+ when I could've gotten an A just because I missed the class when a quizz took place so yeah I still regret it to this day tbh oh and speaking of grade, I am going to tell you something that my lecturer told me personally. She said, "You know what, in 5-10 years you will forget about it (GPA). I don't even remember what my GPA was and to be frank with you, nobody really cares about it".
Now, she's not saying that getting 1.5 GPA is okay, she's saying that it's totally okay to not get a perfect score on everything. Just do your best.
Good luck, kiddo.


Language: English