

Ask @AmericanLass

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Write a sentence that describes your day, but here's the challenge: you may not backspace. No backspace at all. Or deleting words with a long press. (It's harder than it sounds)

Okay so here goes (if I make mistakes and autocorrect fixes it does that count as backspacing? 😅😅 if it does I'll redo my answer 😜):
So my day started off a bit rough and then I went to work with my boyfriend and hung out in the cafe are with him while he was on break and watched Netflix for the rest of his shift then I helped him organize his room and we watched the bye bye man together at like 11:30 pm.

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Want to make more friends? Try this: Tell us what you like and find people with the same interests. Try this: + add more interests + add your interests

What's your favorite holiday? Why?

Christmas! I love the gift giving the most to be entirely honest. I love giving people presents that I know they'll love and the hunt for the PERFECT gift is my favorite thing ever. I don't always get something that's *just right* because sometimes I just draw a total blank or I can't find what I'm looking for, or I can't afford it, but lord help me if I don't get excited when I do find something that's perfect for the recipient.

Do you use Yelp or a similar app?Do you post reviews often?Are they mostly positive or negative reviews?

I use Yelp and TripAdvisor. I use the Yelp app to read reviews when I'm looking for a place to eat and the website to write my reviews. I use the TripAdvisor website to write reviews. I post when I remember to do so and I do it more when I'm with my boyfriend because a) we try more new places than I do with anyone else and b) I just tend to remember more with him for some reason? I currently have 39 reviews on Yelp and 59 on TripAdvisor, both since August of 2015, most of which are in the middle 3 stars (2, 3, 4 star ratings). I rarely ever give 1 or 5 star ratings because I'm not that easy but I'm also not that tough. Plus a 3 star rating still counts as pretty good to me so it's almost like the 3 star for me is everyone else's 4 star. My rating system is basically this:
1 star: absolutely the worst experience I've ever had (there are 2 of those on Yelp + 0 on TA)
2 star: it wasn't good but there were some redeeming qualities (I have 9 on Yelp + 4 on TA)
3 star: it's average; I can find better but it's certainly not bad at all (I have 14 on Yelp + 26 on TA)
4 star: it's great but there were a few things that could've been better (I have 11 on Yelp + 23 on TA)
5 star: absolutely the best experience I've ever had, nothing at all could've been improved; pure perfection in a nutshell (I have 3 on Yelp + 6 on TA)

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What's the longest term paper report essay etc that you had to do?

I've had to do like 8-10 page papers in high school and college and then in college I had to do scientific research papers that ranged from 10-30 pages. The longer ones generally took the entire semester and we'd do them in pieces though. And there was one 10-12 page scientific research paper we had to do as a group because we only had like 4 weeks to do it (as in 4 weeks to form the hypothesis, collect the data, understand/"translate" the data, and write the paper) and I got stuck with a group who left it all to me. If it wasn't my last semester I would've been petty enough to do two of the same assignment and submit the grade A one separately from the group so I'd get the A and they'd fail.

Any suggestions or topics you would enjoy question spams on?

Anything goes my friend. Personalized questions are always great but it's a hassle when you follow a lot of people. Open ended questions that allow for more explanation are always great (but I also like questions with "hefty" answers so I don't know). Opinions/scenario questions can be fun. Themed questions can be interesting.

Ever built a snowman?

The only time I can recall building a snowman was this one time it hailed REALLY hard where I live and my then best friend and I built a mini snowman in her driveway. Fun times.

It's easy to go to a movie without sh*tpeople thou, just go in the latest or earliest flick or at premiere when there're only people in cinema who actually want to watch the movie. Also, watching good movies helps xD

Gismolo’s Profile PhotoPsijic
That's easier said than done, darling. I've gone to see 4 different movies at 4 different show times and there have been jackasses at every single one of them. We thought a later showing of Despicable Me 3 (after it had been out a month already) would have avoided all the kids. Instead, we got all the bratty ones who cried/talked throughout the movie and roamed the theater for the duration of the movie- all with parents who didn't bother to even try to stop them once. We went to the latest showing of The Hitman's Bodyguard and I had a couple behind me who parroted all the funny parts and commentated the rest, with the flashlight text notification going off in my peripheral the length of the movie, the guy in front of me snapchatting for the whole movie, and another group of people acting wildly sketchy for most of the first 3/4 of the movie. It doesn't matter if we go to an earlier showing, a later showing, a midday showing, a weekday showing, or a weekend showing. The assholes are out in force every time. I've been to a movie where a guy was actually watching a sporting event on his phone during the movie. I've been to a movie where someone answered their phone in the movie. Hell, I've even been to a showing with those reserved seats where a group of 6-8 couldn't get seats together so they were spread out over 2 rows and they chatted with each other the whole movie. Plus the guy who sat right next to me smelled of stale Chinese food. I don't like going to premiere or close to premiere nights because it's always jam packed and I prefer to have a chance of someone not sitting right next to me. At least if they're annoying they'll be annoying a few seats away that way.

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Liked by: Captain Obvious Doug

Do you prefer to watch a movie at home or at the cinema?

Lately I've come to realize I much prefer watching them at home. My last few movie going experiences have been complete shit- and that's the understatement of the year. Plus at home I can pause when I want, move around as I please, do as I please, etc. and there's nobody else to complain. Not that people in the theater seem to care anymore seeing as it's apparently become a do whatever you want while the movie is playing sort of place.
Liked by: RidgeBack Rogue

Is it normal that I would rather kill a human being than an animal if my life depended on it?

You know, murder or the desire to commit murder usually isn't seen as normal, no.

If you work does your job require you to have a security badge or access card?If you're still in school do you have a school ID badge you have to wear?

No but I get a lanyard with the key to the classroom I sub for and I get access to the back door to the offices and the teachers lounge 😏

Ever stepped on a crack and broke ya mommas back?

Tbh no, but my mom has a a bad back and I feel partially to blame because I'd always step on the cracks when I was mad at her as a kid. 😅😅😅

Do you ever wish people would "recycle" your questions and send them to you? If not, why? BTW: My answer to this question was intended to be silly, sometimes I come off as a butthole. It's ok if you don't get my sense of humor, very few do. I seldom ask questions until I build a rapport w/ someone.

Sometimes, yes. I always ask questions I'm interested in the answer to but only sometimes would I actually enjoy receiving them myself lol. It's okay! I thought your answer was funny, actually c: Don't worry about it though, I feel ya!

Did you seriously say there more hate on the other side than Trump or his supporters or his fan base/groups? Wow. Spoken like a true white person full of white ignorance. The epitome of white ignorance. Do you ever stop and research why Trump is hated? No, because you think white is superior. Smh

No, actually, I didn't. I said I've heard more hate from those who dislike Trump than the other way around, but thanks for showing off your amazing intellectual mind and totally twisting my words around to fit your agenda. Maybe you should've tried reading up on me a little before jumping to such conclusions. I mean do you ever stop and read about the people you make hate pages about? No, because you think you're superior. Ugh, spoken like the epitome of an ignorant anon like yourself. See how stupid you sound? Oh, and thanks for making that page about me, I'm glad you think highly enough of me to try and make me even more popular 💁🏻

What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck (:

I've heard this before and I flippin' love it because it's totally true 😂

What is it you like most about camping?

My camping experiences have always been unique so few will actually truly understand where I'm coming from with this (despite how basic it sounds 😅), but I adore being surrounded by large groups of friends/family and having what could easily be described as mini parties around various campfires across the camping location. It's fun to "fire hop" and see who's where and what's what. There's nothing better than being at one fire and hearing songs being played live at another one across the way at like 10pm. Plus there's the stars. Being able to see the stars at night is absolutely amazing. It's absolutely a fantastic experience, bugs aside of course 😜
Liked by: ديانا Shaza Doug

Hello! Hope you're all doing ok! With reference to the last few days, tell us: - Something you've physically done - Something you've thought about - Something you've felt emotionally -Doug 🙂

CactusDoug’s Profile PhotoDoug
Hello, Doug! I hope you're doing well too! I'll tell you a couple things for each??
Something I've physically done-- cooked dinner(s), cleaned a kitchen, bought a DVD and a t-shirt
Something I've thought about-- going home, how much money I've spent this summer, what I want to eat
Something I've felt emotionally-- sadness (about going home), satisfaction/pride (about successfully preparing actual meals without any real help from anyone else), happiness (maybe the wrong word and also kind of a stupid reason but?? I finally felt included in something when my boyfriend's sister tagged ME in a Facebook comment for the first time ever)

Can you set up a tent?Do you like to go camping?

Like an actual modern tent? No, I don't think so. But an old fashioned one, sure. I do like camping, yes! I haven't gone in years and rarely do I ever go "normal" camping but I'd love to go again if I had the opportunity and people to go with.
Liked by: Doug Lizzy Pickles


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