

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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Would you rather wear summer clothes in the winter, or winter clothes in the summer?

Winter in summer, I live in England. There isn't much difference between summer and winter :')


Fuck it. I'm too bored.
Just send me a hot or not
You don't have to like anything etc.
just send me a question off of anon asking for a hot or not? C:

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I don't have ask, so I can't do that, so I thought I'd ask you a few questions :)

Awh :c and fair enough c: thank you

Ok now I'm done :P I was bored too

Haha fair enough, I've even resulted in hot or nots if anyone bothers ><

Would you rather be the front of a semi-famous band, or be on the set crew for a famous band?

Depends on the band tbh;3 but probably second one

Would you rather always have wrinkled clothes, or never have toothpaste?

Probably wrinkled clothes omfg

Wait, there's more, never mind! Would you rather have a rewind button in your life, or a pause button?

Ooooooooooh. Probably rewind >< stop myself from saying shit I should have. Or doing shit I shouldn't have done


I am severely bored.
If you would like a
Hot or not
Then like 10 of my questions and send me "hot or not?" Off of anon

Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?

Hatefully remembered because they will always think of me c: it will anon them more c:

Would you rather take a 50% chance of winning €100 million, or a 99% chance of winning €1 million?

99% of a million

Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

100 duck sized horses. Either way ill die

Would you rather always be a little bit too hot, or a little bit too cold?

Cold, I am anyway, but then I am wrap up more and be more snuggley;3

Would you rather understand any language, or be able to play any instrument?

Hm, tough one, probably instrument because I wish I could play the guitar, but then is love to know Spanish :c

Would you rather make your internet browsing history for the last 12 months accessible to anyone for a year, or give up the internet for a year? (Maybe more suitable for guys? :P)

My Internet history is probably just as bad as a guy but I'd prefer people to see it than have NO Internet. Omg

Would you rather step on a piece of Lego barefoot everyday for a week, or get a single paper cut between your toes?

Paper cut omfg

Would you rather drink orange juice, expecting it to be milk, or drink milk expecting it to be orange juice?

Probably the second. Because I would freak out more if I drank milk and it was orange juice:')

Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die?

When so I can do stuff before I know I'm going to die ><

Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers, or fingers as long as your legs? Both are fully functional, by the way.

Legs as long as fingers. Omfg that would be hilarious:')


Language: English