

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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In your opinion, what makes people hold on to the memories of their ex lovers and blindly think that they won’t ever meet someone just as special again ?


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Liked by: Bryan

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He really does need a kick in the ass to wake him up.. Your way to beautiful to be like this!

How he isn't awake. So this related in two ways. I'm not

It's amazing the way one person or lack of words/emotions can virtually destroy another person.. You really are better than that, and you really need to start smiling.

Not going to happen

Don't be sorry for being down, it's understandable as things currently are.. But don't put yourself down, you're better than that, you don't need to sit about saying your nothing as you are something, amazing, pretty and more.. Keep your chin up and don't let things go!

Thanks... But I don't believe that I'm anything right now... I can't even smile ffs...

Ok so granted the person who should think it,doesn't, and that's why you're thinking the way you are.. But like I said, you're all the above and more..

I'm nothing

I no from readin sex story u swolled the cum so uo like it and it good for skin hello from turkey my name is viktor

Your point being?

You not dat into it den fair enuf

What type of language is that. And no.. Why would I want cum all over my face. Ew

Well, like I said, he's obviously blind or lazy.. Either way you can't go on without sorting it out..

yep... i dont know what im going to do

Why don't you try a small break.. A week, 10 days... See how you feel then, see how he feels... No calls, no mails, no contact... If it helps then take things slow, if it ends yea hearts will break but time heals that, but better to find out than dragging it on and on!

i dont know...

Seriously, it's one thing loving him a d you may go on loving him, but don't feel the need to keep the relationship going if its one sided and stuck.. You may owe him with your life, but don't let that rule your heart!

i loved him before he saved me though.. i dont know anymore... i feel dead


Language: English