

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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It's not disgusting, people have different things that turn them on.. Anal for some girls gets them off.. You can't deny a girl a bit of sexual pleasure cause you don't like it.. They do, you don't, fair enough!

So? You're on MY account I'm going to say MY opinion. I hate even the thought of anal and I'm not going to do it, if you don't like it them move the fuck on

Nothing wrong with them, you can't say that lol.. They like it, you don't.. Fair enough.

Yeah but it's disgusting. Why would you even think of it. Ugh

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No, they asked me for it.. Tbh I wasn't really into it till I tried it.. They never cried.. On the contrary they quite enjoyed it.

Well then there is something wrong with them. No dick is ever going into my bum.

I would like to tell you...but you could never love one such as I...unless I wore a mask of course...for my face was melted in a tragic fire...

Oh don't be so silly. I'm sure your face is lovely.

Any girl I've been with and had anal sex didn't cry in pain :-)

Put it would have hurt them..a lot..

I though a sexual deviant like you would like the anal pounding :-/

Ew no. It's gross. Why would you want to put a dick into something you shit out of? It makes girls cry in pain.. What's so sexy about that?

Ah...you can appreciate a good mystery such as myself, I can see that.

Indeed. However I would like to know who you are.

You're my favorite person of the day. You get the favorite person of the day award, Hannah. Congrats!

Haha thanks:') and you are?

Haha :D I have a Justin bieber dart board, and a Justin bieber toilet seat, and I write him hate fan mail every day, and I...oh...um...peace, love, and rainbows!!

Haha okay:')

Yikes. Yeah I'm not a fan either. Mid you hear that will smith is his biological father? No wonder he so fine, dayyyum.


Why? All the poor lil ones of this earth need our love!

I may be against bullying but Justin Bieber can suck my dick.

That means we got to protect just bieber and lil bow wow too. Those poor lil babies.

Oh dear god no.

It's a quote from a song. It's about bullying. We got to protect the we lil birdies and puppies from the bad men.

Oh okay haha

Bullying is uncool. Dogs will wag their tails and birds will sing. It's a hard world for little things.

Erm ok?


I must say, people are pathetic. What is the point in bullying someone? Because you think you're better than them? Because you think you're smarter? Or because they have a different sexuality? Because they like different music? They were different clothes? It's pathetic. If you're bullying someone or saying crap about them, it proves that you're worse than them. You have such a low life you want to bring someone else down? It's so pathetic. If you want to bully anyone then bully yourself because you clearly don't have anything better do to with your sad life.
Are you happy that you're the reason for someone's scars? Are you happy that you're the reason why that person doesn't go outside? Are you happy that you're the reason why someone doesn't eat? Are you happy that you're the reason why that person killed themselves?
It doesn't make you look good. It makes YOU look stupid. You look like scum. Not the person you're bullying. If you're just going to laugh and call someone names for fun then you need to see a counsellor or something. That shouldn't be fun to bring someone else down. It's heart breaking seeing someone else suffer. You wouldn't want it would you? So why bully someone else...? Why?

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If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

I would stop people being bullies, I would stop self harm and people joking about it. I would stop terrorism. And other stuff but I'm going to start ranting soon so I better stop

DO you think it makes it better? Worse?

It was a very small amount of alcohol and it hadn't changed either of us so I can't say


Language: English