

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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I don't think seeing your report is a possibility as you've most probably dropped out of education. Nearly two years? WOW!!! Long time that. Have you got that ring you've always wanted yet? He's the reason you're not dead? And you have the nerve to say to me "Grow up". SEX PEST ALERT!!!

I'm in my school uniform right now omfg AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You seriously have no idea who I am. Cunt. Yeah I was fucking suicidal, I was going through bad times and he was the one that was there. Anon coward

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Guys don't touch this girl. She's one of them rare exotic 'Street girl'. Their very rough around the edges and lack education. I think they lack brain cells and get aroused by anything that moves. Their favorite word is 'bro'...That tells you all you need to know. They get aroused by their brothers.

You don't even fucking know me you stupid anon, I said bro as a joke:') you're trying to give me hate over anon? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha you're pathetic, I'm getting amazing grades in school, you don't even know how smart I actually am:') my boyfriend is the only thing that arouses me actually, you're trying to call me a fucking prostitute? You don't know me cunt, if you're being so ducking hard then come off anon yeah? You don't even know me so stop acting like you do, you're so pathetic. You clearly have nothing better to do than try to hate me, even though its not effecting me AT ALL

What even? B's my arse. Aww you are in love? Thought you were joking, i'm going to cry now I think :') You actually say "Bro"? WOW!!! Wannabe black gangster? Settled? Your 16...You won't be together in about 2 years time let alone 10. Jeeze, 16 and already talking about kids when their settled. Cute

Sorry did you want to see my report? I said bro as a joke, omfg:') Ahaa you don't even know me:') me and my boyfriend have loved each other for nearly two years, you don't even know what he means to me okay, he's my everything, he's the reason why I'm not dead okay, so don't judge me, YOU KNOW FUCKING NOTHING. get off anon you fucking coward

how can you even plan that much into the future? YOU'RE FUCKING 15. you have your whole life ahead of you. no way will you stay together

I'm 16 idiot. We've been together for nearly a year now and we've been in love with each other for nearly two years:')

What boyfriend is that then? I've heard you've got 4 on the go? Be more specific..


Naww 15? Sweet. Love at first site does exist people. Whens the wedding then? Expecting kids yet? Benefits been approved of yet?

What even:') yeah me and my boyfriend are in love, yeah we want a future together, you jealous bro? We want kids together when we are older and settled yes. But not yet, seriously you're such an idiot.

Oooosh, your school is 3 systems? oooh sorry, that makes you older now does it? Yes make love to your partner but not at the age of 16, well you were probably 14-15 when you first did, EWW. Take it your parents don't know then? If my opinion doesn't matter, why are you explaining so much to me?

I was 15 when I lost my virginity yes, and I regret that but still. Because coward twats like you need to think before you speak:')
Liked by: Courtney

So you would not consider yourself a slut even though you've slept with 2 people and you're ONLY 16? Well i'd certainly say that you are.

Babe there's a lot worse people than me who are younger than me, it's only two people, it's not a massive deal omfg, please grow up

surely u wud want to meet da whole band and like not just ur fav members? FAKE FAN FUCK U

Well I obviously want to meet the whole bands but my favourite members I want to meet the most, duh?

does ur boyfriennn even car dat u tell everyone ur sex lyf?

Not really:') he sees all these and doesn't really care:') he tells people too so...

why do you ask people to ask you about sex then complain that they're being perverts???

I don't ask for them to ask me about sex:') if I did then I meant about my sex life not asking me for sex and asking if they can cum in my face etc, okay thanks bye:) xox


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