

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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What did you do when they walked in?

Well when my step dad did we just stopped and he walked out then we carried on, he told my mum and she came in and we stopped for a minute then carried on ><

4? Dont have to answer if you dont wanna

Last time I cried and why: ugh well the last time I properly cried was Friday and that was because everything got the better of me and my depression kick started

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10 :)

Biggest turn ons: oh god -.-
Neck kisses, v lines, nice collar bones, nice hair, nice eyes, biting(Idk about that tbh), and a good you know what.
Liked by: Saam West


Why I love my bestfriend:
Now I have many, many close friends but I can cut it down to two amazing people in my life. Hannah and Chris.
Hannah has always been there for me, I met her in year 5 so I've known her for around 7 years now.. We have always stuck through things together, yes we have had our ups and downs, our fall outs and pathetic arguments but I know that by the end of it, she will still be there for me and I will be there for her, we will always have each other no matter what. She should be moving to the other side of the planet in about 5 years time but I know that we will still keep in contact because I do love her. She will always manage to make me laugh and smile and see the better things in life, I couldn't ask for a better best friend really.
Then Chris, as well as being the love of my life he is my best friend, we have been through hell and back together but we are still strong and together. We love each other, I will always love him. He also makes me laugh and smile when I feel like dropping dead.
Both of these amazing people probably won't even see this but I love them so much, and I apologise for all the shit I have out you two in.. You're both perfect, thank you for everything, I mean it..

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Liked by: Hannah

The bit between your nose and top lip is your philtrum :)

It's the medusa piercing though >< just remembereddddd

5 and 14 :)

Piercings I have: the double piercings on my ears, well I'll show a picture because I can never describe it, but yeah I want LOADS more, just need to get money ><
Piercings I want: well I want many on my ear, my nose and I FORGOT WHAT IT'S CALLED but the bit between my lip and nose in the middle or one on the bottom instead, if not then a double lip piercing


The meaning behind my username: well it's my old twitter username. Cookie was used because I had a massive thing for cookies back then, I'd literally have a packet or two of marylands a day... Then to rockstar because I was obsessed with the energy rockstar back then too and 3 just because 3.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

Oh dear ask.fm. You have failed. Someone****
And like yesterday

Of course it does, I don't like you upset your smile is amazinf

Don't be silly, it's horrible, but thank you

Wow don't be rude I was kidding why are you being so mean?? Who pissed you off :(

It doesn't matter about who pissed me off..

Toe phobia? Hahaha your own scare you?! Quick cut em off!!

Are you dumb? I'm not exactly scared of them I just hate them. I know tonnes of people who are the same. Toes/feet are disgusting and I hate being near them. Now grow the fuck up


Language: English