

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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have you been to america? if sowhen did you go to to america?

Yes. I went in like 2009 I think. I loved it. My dad was getting married to my step mum (who is from texas) so we flew over there for the wedding and we got a holiday out of it too. It is the best place I have been to. Idec. It's amazing and I want to go back there D:wah.

if you could be any where doing anything what would you be doing?

I'd be in america with Chris. Having the best time of my life. I miss being in America okay.

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You are the definition of scum

You are the definition of pointless.
That didn't affect me in anyway and it won't in the future so move on c;

u are []Cute [x]Pretty []Hot []Average []Ugly [x]gorgeous []Stunning, your my []friend []Crush []Idol [x]Stranger []Dream girl/guy, I wud [x]Hug []Smash [x]kiss on the cheek []Full on Make out []Nothing []Kiss []Bite your lip, I'd [x]Date []Flirt []Friends []Love []Meet up []None, You are pretty <3

hahaha, thanks;3 <3

No Matter What, Nobody Will Ever Be Able To Split You And Chris Up...You're Too Good For Each Other And You Clearly Love Each Other Loads!

aw, thank you, We really do love each other and we aren't breaking up for anything;3
Liked by: Jay

Dont Let Anybody Split You And Chris Up, I Can See How Much You Love Him And I Hope You Never Have To Go Through Any Pain Of Loosing Him

awh awh awh awh thank you lovely:') I wouldn't dream of loosing him, I won't let him go, ever, I love him waaaay too much to do that!

yep i mean i don't really like it but i don't go around hating on people that do...got nothing against them and people should be allowed their own opinion just ignore them hun- liam

I knowwww and I will thank you Liam;3

yeah haha && the pricks that are talking to you about bmth? absloute bunch off rejects -liam

Awh Liam ;3 and whoever is a complete twat. They know nothing about me or my music taste so they need to stfu. Jealous pricks.

hannah why are you answering these pricks?-liam

Boredom tbh. Wait which pricks?:') Is this Liam Liam?;o as in Morrison or?


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