

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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you are absolutely beautiful...naaaa scrap that, you are just gorgeous! :3

you are so cute... naaaaa scrap that, you're absolutely adorable. who are you?;3 x

Do you have commitment issues

how exactly do i have commitment issues? ive been with the same person for 10 months and havent cheated or anything once....

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Do you think it's wrong to wish death on other people? Like saying you hope someone dies

yes its wrong, i don't know how people can do it tbh:/ but tbh some people take their life for granted like waaaaay too much

LOL that's personal but someone asking a million questions about you sex life ISN'T too personal? Wow you've really got your priorities straight.

im open about my sex life who cares? i didnt want to tell anyone what was happening because i wanted to die. are you happy now? now piss off you little anon coward

No one wants to ask you questions anymore they all think you're going to tell them it's none of their fucking business or call them a cunt.

nice bullshit, i havent called anyone on here a cunt before for starters and they were asking me personal stuff when i was clearly upset. so i told them it was their buisness. if you dont like the fact that i was upset and they were asking personal stuff then unfollow me because i really dont care. i never called anyone a cunt tyvm.

virgin? keep anything on when having sex? biggest you've taken? ever suck off someone? spit or swallow? best sexual experiancee

nope. it depends where i am or when it is. ive had sex with two people and my ex was tiny and im not going to announce my boyfriends size on here but hes a good size;) yes. swallow really. thats a difficult one

Aww :( They seriously did that because you corrected them ? That's completely fucked up

yeah she was saying how people are only down for pathetic reasons and theres people in worst states so i said "well you cant really say that because you dont know their story" and yeah:/ and "sally" got her cousin on me too and the weekend after that happened was the river festival and i was with my mates and i saw sally and he cousin and i saw sally point and shit, so i just went home incase anything else happened://

it was the other day that you said you felt like ending it.... and 10 months is nothing but its ok its obvious by your tweets that you care about him more than he cares about you

that was a couple of weeks ago, get your facts right:') we've been in love for longer than 10 months by the way...we just didnt get together until April last year... and we care about each other equally. he says to me that he loves and cares for me more all the time. yet again, you know nothing about me or my relationship.

albrsuna .s.;qwklevc;n

basically this girl tweeted about something and i replied to correct her, she flipped at me and got her friend on me (ill call her friend sally to cover it up). so sally started threatening me on twitter and started saying that i should go attempt suicide again and die and all this shit. the next day she came over to me started shouting and punched me, i just said whatever and turned back to my friends, since it didnt hurt. then my friend said it was red and starting to swell so i went to the office and i burst into tears because of the comments she put on twitter. my head of house(yes we have houses like harry potter) asked if she could have our twitter names to read the comments... she read them then got worried because of the stuff sally was saying to me about the suicide attempts. they then asked if they wanted me to let them tell my mum or if i wanted to. i said they could...so she got phoned and told about everything because she didnt know about a thing and she came into school and her, my head of house and me sat there talking about how down i felt, eventually i got to go home with mum and she kept asking me why i wanted to commit but i never told her, and yeah, now im here today(Y)

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how you tweet like 'ask me anything' and then someone asks you something and you say 'no comment' or 'none of your business', the way you act like you're fucking beautiful , the way you complain that you and your boyfriend keep arguing and you were gonna end it but then say you're 'in love' with him

i can say ask me anything and not answer if i dont want too or if its too personal, twat, thats not attention seeking. I dont act like im beautiful? omfg:') if i did then id be tweeting about me being beautiful, not ugly. me and my boyfriend are arguing are we? please tell me how you know about me and my life and how you know what im tweeting about, because i can tell you now you know absolutely nothing. i am in love with him and yes we argue sometimes but thats how we grow stronger, if i didnt love him then i wouldnt have been with him for nearly 10 months would i?! Yeah i had a moment when i felt so low that i was going to do a stupid thing and end it but that was ages ago, im happy with him and just because im moaning about someone on twitter doesnt mean its Chris, there is other people in this world you know. but hey you dont know about anything or my life so next time you try to judge me, get your fucking facts right

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if you could do anything right now, what would it be?

I'd be in bed, with Chris, with my head resting on his naked chest, cuddling and just watching a film. With my fingers running up and down his torso. omfg his torso >> . Then I'd kiss him and we will have potnoodles and a can of monster to share. the end.

How can people become happy?

With a loving caring person, they can go on medication or get help from someone. They have to do it on their own but they have to be strong. They can make true friends and spend a lot of time with them if they make them happy. It's different for everyone to get a smile on their face but you just need the right people to help and support you through it all


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