

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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I've been trying to calm both of you down. I'm not choosing sides, Hannah. I've been telling her to stop too. I really appreciate that you care. I REALLY do, but this isn't the way. :(

mhm well I was being civil and she started an argument with me and started to attempt to insult me. she should fucking respect me for being there when she's broken your heart. she needs to fucking open her eyes. and Chris.. well I don't even know what I can't say to you now.. I guess I'm just disappointed..

Well if you stop and apologise then maybe she will apologise and it can be sorted between them

James Ward Gwilliam
Erm no. leave me alone yeah? she's the one that has called me names. she's the one that started an argument with me so no. she should apologise to me and respect me for being there for Chris when she has broken his heart.

yes she is and the worst part is that she doesn't admits that she likes to play around, she is a two face fuck, sorry for the F bomb but she so annoying

swear all you like:') it's fine:') and that was great omfg. she's so fucking annoying. she makes herself out to be all sweet and innocent when she is a complete cow. when I first saw her I thought that. I should have warned Chris tbh.. but yeah she's a cow. and the way she tried to call me ugly, she kinda needs to look in the mirror a bit more. and she tried to call me a bitch for standing up for Chris :')

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Well if you could kindly stop now and also help stop other people sending hate. Both Chris and Miranda are extremely upset and need to sort things out on their own x

James Ward Gwilliam
that's nice but I'm not doing anything.

you are right, you were been nice and polite to her, she is the drama queen that started everything, she is lair and likes to play with people's feelings

I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ugh. she's annoying.

I was an emotional wreck. I hated everything. It was a mutual break up. I THOUGHT that she was going for that other guy but I was WRONG. She does love me. I'm sorry I got you so riled up. Please, stop..

she said that she loved you. which means she doesn't anymore and she didn't deny it. well maybe you should tell her NOT to call me all that crap. plus she was the one that started an argument with me. soooo. and I've been sticking up for you Chris.. thanks for the support (y)

Listen i am going to be polite. Can you kindly stop sending hate to a good friend of mine. You are also upsetting the very person you are trying to protect. Angry arguments and hate is not the way to solve this

James Ward Gwilliam
thanks for actually being decent about this but I was just talking to her then she tried to insult me and all this shit and started an argument with ME so no.

Please, for me. My heart is in actual physical pain because this is happening. Stop.

well tell her that. she's the one replying. she doesn't fucking have to. she's the one that is calling me ugly, a bitch, a twat and a dumbass. you know how I fucking feel about myself as it is. I don't need that cow telling me too. Chris you deserve so much better than her. and you know it. after everything she's done to you.

LMAOOOO i obviously know what shes done if im her fucking friend you make no sense hun

oh so you know what she's done to Chris? you know that he's broken his heart? you know that she's been talking to another guy and making Chris feel like she want him and not chris? none of you have been there when I was for Chris so don't fucking tell me to leave her alone when Chris is heart broken and I'm standing up for him. leave before you're blocked.

Hannah, giving her all this hate isn't helping and it's making you look immature. Stop this! Please!

ignore me then. I'm not repeating myself. I don't care how it makes me look. she's a cunt.

Hannah would you fuking chill off her pages shes emotional right now talk to her when shes not ... my fucking god

she should Fucking know what she has fucking done to someone who means a lot to me and who she has broken the heart of. idec if she's emotional. she needs to learn a fucking lesson. you don't know what she's done so don't get involved tyvm.

I LOVE YOU ! that bitch is such a cunt, someone need it to tell her the truth

I love you too c; its my pleasure c:

Hannah. This has gone long enough. Stop. I mean it. Can't you at least stop? For me?

I've said before. I'm not Chris. I can't. she needs to fucking learn that she can't make up shit and try to make people feel sorry for her. I've been there when she hasn't and I've helped you through shit and I'm not letting another girl fucking hurt you like when you and your ex broke up. I remember supporting you and he had only just started talking. Chris I'm not letting her get away so easily.

Why is this Jason guy even getting involved? Doesn't sound like a situation he should be sticking his nose in

I know! it's pissing me off. he has no idea what she's done.

can i kiss you before kissing down your neck, then i'll lick slowly and softly up and down your neck xx

Ew. don't lick my neck.

they are nearly almost 3,000 miles apart how the hell did you think it would even last the live across the freakin country are you stupid they were bound do split up sometime

charles manson
your point? many many people live the other side of the world from each other yet they get together meet and end up spending the rest of their lives together. she has no fucking excuse. she was a complete dick to him and I'm not letting her get away with it. now leave before you get blocked because I'm in the right here.

seriously just leave miranda alone

charles manson
why should I when she's hurt some extremely close to me? who has helped me through some serious shit. and I've helped him too. do you even know what she did to him? you can't stop me from giving her what she deserves. she clearly didn't love him and she was clearly flirting with that other dude. Chris deserves so much more than her. oh and she's made it personal. calling me ugly and a bitch. oh and telling me to fuck off. so no actually I won't fucking leave her alone because she's been a fucking bitch to someone close to me. she deserves it.


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