

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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And they were going on about your dad, which makes me sick, someone who has served being made fun of. Smile Hannah, because you know you will always be better than the unhappy cunts leaving you messages because they have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. Stay strong, I know you will <3

Thank you, honestly... Thank you <3

What utter cunts. They have been out in force today, and for some reason you got the worst of it. It's disgusting to see such a great person like you being abused by these wastes of air. You're 100% not an attention seeker, just an honest person, which is one of the best qualities a person can have

Thank you so much <3

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Attention seeker.. Point proven :D

Attention seeking because YOU asked for some information. Woooooow. You're a cunt.

But everybody knows you are an attention seeker which is why you post here about your sex life.. But what did Tyler do?

I am not an attention seeker for posting truth honey. Fine he tried to get me to have sex with him. He tried to rape me and tried to split me and Chris up. ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW CUNT?!

What did 'Tyler' do then.?

A lot of fucked up shit but oh no. I'll be labeled as attention seeking so

Why your ex and why 'Tyler'?

My ex is a complete cunt. He doesn't deserve anything but sadness. He is a liar and a cunt. He liked some other girl while with me, he done other things too but I'll be called an attention seeker. And the same with Tyler. Ugh.

No I don't want that.. What does that prove?.. You have pictures of a solider.. Wow I have pictures of a dolphin, doesn't make me a fucking fisherman does it!

So what? I just posted the picture dumb shit.

zzzzz sorry did you say something?.. I feel asleep cause your boring me zzzzzz

Here you go cunt. Here is me holding the picture of me and my brother at my dads wedding. Oh and before you say anything I have just had a shower so I have wet hair. Twat.

Oh look, you googled a picture too for realism..

What the fuck do you want? Me to take the picture of my photo with me in it?! Because I will.

Hahaha pmsl .. In fairness you should not only write porn but also fiction stories.. He had an intelligence meeting lol.. That part cracked me up in fairness.. I've had a bad day but that made me smile so much.. I love you :-)

Yeah there is the intelligence part of the army and they had a meeting you complete idiot. Everything I said in that paragraph was true. I don't write porn. This whole ask.fm is full of truth. Get over it you pathetic coward

Anybody can buy a uniform from an army surplus store.. It's nice that they play the game with you.. Having a jailbird daddy is ok, we won't judge.. Ok if he's a rapist we might, but hey..

He is in the fucking army. Ask anyone that knows me yeah? Fucking cunt you clearly don't know anything. I'm blocking the next shit you say because you don't know me or my dad. My dad is a perfect human, he has never been to jail. He has been in the army since he was 18 he is now 43 and leaving the army soon and then moving to America. You have no idea how much I love him. I have lived all over the uk because when I lived with him, he was moved around the country. I have lived in Northern Ireland so he could fight there too. He has a gaming room in his house that has countless trophies and photos of rewards of him fighting and serving for the country. He met my step mum in America because there was a meeting he had to go to involving the intelligence side of both the American and British army. If I told him what you are saying he would hunt you down and fucking kill you himself. And I will happily watch. You deserve nothing but your own death. He is a hero and better than anything you will ever be. My dad is my everything. He even wore is smart uniform for his wedding with all of his medals. Now die.

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Sure that could be ANY picture haha awkward

It was taken by my phone and posted on my Instagram. Dumbass.

Well what other reason was it then ?

Like I said I'm not explaining myself to some coward anon so... Oh and here is my dad picking me up and taking me and my brother to his the other day IN HIS FULL UNIFORM after work.


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