

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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sexuality? virgin? favourite underwear and colour? bra size? current bra colour? ever given a bj?

straight. no. frenchies. idk. 32-34____ white. yes

(cont) like when once someone called chris gay you imediatly jumped to 'no he's fucking not he has a girlfriend ect ect' but you could have been like 'yeah he is, i know' jokingly idk but you just seem really uptight and stuff sorry just my opinion,you're probably really nice but from what i see idk

I'm sorry for being protective over my own boyfriend, I wasn't going to let someone call him gay when I know for sure that he isnt. thanks for your opinion but its really not what im like... just going to reply to the first bit:')

your hair looks so patchy ew

yeah its patchy so? I've dyed my hair a lot and I have stripped the colour out of it and it's like this. Your opinion doesn't affect me, jog on

I was just curious whether you could or not. If you could I'd think of a question then lol :P x

hahaha fair enough:') x

Serious question. What's better being licked out or fingered

depends on how good the guy is but probably licked out hahah

Who was the last person you said thank you to?

My step dad. He went to the shop and brought me crisps and skittles.


Language: English