

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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Hey don't be sorry, if anything it made me stronger and also woke me up to the fact that attention should be payed in every aspect of a relationship!


Ok, well I don't really think there is anything else I can really say, but I think you get it now. All I have to say is that you should always remember that you are an incredible person, and that even if he doesn't care there are loads of other people that do. Stay strong Hannah

thank you Daniel
Liked by: Bryan

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I can see both sides of it, because I've been on both sides.. Been both the prick for doing it on somebody and been hurt when it's done on me... Fully understand its not nice !

ah shit, sorry about that but thanks
Liked by: Danielbutter

Bryan is absolutely right, he needs to realise what is wrong in your relationship, and if it takes you just walking away for a while then that might be what needs to happen.

i know merh
Liked by: Bryan

Well, I'm sorry and I know he helped you through a really rough time but you can't keep going out with this guy because you feel like you owe him, you might feel like you love him at the moment but if he is making you feel this way then it really is not worth it, I swear

ive been with him for nearly a year.. trust me..i do love him.. idk
Liked by: Bryan

Well if he's to silly and blind to see what he's doing (or not doing) then if you walk away its his loss.. He needs to cop on and realise that he has a funny, beautiful girl waiting for him and actually start been a boyfriend again!

this actually means a lot.. thanks for understanding
Liked by: Danielbutter

Right, and now he's just got lazy in the relationship, if your willing to try then it needs to be done by both of ya.. One sided doesn't work :(


It's something I like to call 'stupid guy pride' stuff like not being able to show loving emotion and stuff like that, my advice is that you should let him know what is happening and how it is making you feel. And if he doesn't understand... Well yeah

the thing is.. i am telling him but all hes said is that he does love me but he wont prove anything..
Liked by: Bryan

You got kik ?... Saved your life ?...that's pretty cool, how ?

nope sorry.. well i was suicidal and he helped me basically.. im not going to go into detail but he did

Well like Daniel said.. Is he worth the pain or the tears, is he worth the sleepless nights and horrible feeling?..

i say this stuff but i do love him.. hes saved my life before.. without him i would be six foot under.. i cant.. i cant live feeling like this anymore though... I DONT KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ugh

I'm sure he doesn't hate you at all, what is it that he does (or doesn't do) that makes you think that?

he doesnt prove that he loves me.. he doesnt prove that he cares.. i feel like he doesnt feel it anyway.. i can see it... he never bothers to make plans anymore he just expects me to do it.. he hardly bothers to talk to me nowadays... hes not the same person anymore...

Trust me I know how it feels, even though I'm a guy, I really do. But I hope I helped a little bit. Just consider weather or not he is really worth all of this pain ok

i know you can feel it too, just because youre a guy doesnt mean you cant have feelings... you kinda did.. guess what... i fucking love him.. like ive never loved anything before.. i cant live without him but I feel like shit... i feel like he hates me and he doesnt even want to prove that he doesnt.. idk..

Ahh shit buzz alright.. How bad is bad?..

pretty fucking bad... i feel like someone has ripped my heart out... i feel like fucking shit and i cant stop it..

Well I don't really know you, but I already care about you and I am sure that Bryan does to, and heart break is horrible but over time it will heal and you will start to realise how many people really do care.

thanks... i dont know if this will though... ive felt like this for months.. yet im still with him.. but thank you.. honestly
Liked by: Bryan

Yea but it worked before, so clearly something was right.. Just need to find it again !

i know what the something is but hes not going to change..

You will, everybody has an off day, but look at just one thing everyday that's positive and you'll find it gets easier :)

i did that.. it lasted a few months and now look.. im back into this down side trap.

Is there any reason why you are feeling so unhappy? It might just be a bad time or something, try not to let it get you down to much and remember that there are always people that care about you ok

right now... its because i feel heartbroken.. people...what people...this is a first..

Well, even the most amazing people in the world have their bad days, and you can't be super happy all the time, no body's perfect but trust me when I say... You're close enough :-)

thank you but im not... i feel like this most days.. im exactly what i explained all the time... i.. im no where near perfect or amazing
Liked by: Bryan


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