

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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Well at least if your parents know you are having sex it won't be as awkward from now on.... He's one lucky guy too..x x

Aha it's still awkward though:') and honestly I'm the lucky one:'3 xx

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why you think she knows is it because she can HEAR YOU MAYBE SHE CAN HEAR YOU WHAT IF SHE CAN HEAR YOU X <3

well the fact that she sometimes walks in when Chris is ontop of me and stuff kinda shows it but we always have our tops on during the day when my parents are in, incase that happens. She might hear us, idk, but we try to stop quiet, which isnt easy at times. Also me and my sister share a room and it was just after me and Chris had sex and my step dad came in with my sister asleep and asked me to sort her bed out but because i was naken from the waist down i just said "I don't have any trousers on" so he asked Chris to get up but he was half naked too and he had to awkwardly put his boxers on but my step dad saw and well yeah. its just a good job that he didn't have a hard on tbh:''''''') <3

omg dats so cool ur mum knows ur havin sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!! born to bi bad <3

My mum doesn't know:L well I think she knows tbh....but theres a sex clinic at school that I got my contracepton from:L <3

do you have safe sex what if you get pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

I'm on the pill and we sometimes still use condoms aha <3

Hey just wanted to say one more thing, The way I try to see life now is what's being upset/angry going to do, you can't help it sometimes I know, but If there's something you can do to feel better, do it. if not? then why stress :) Anyways that helps me to think when I'm feeling down. -Random anon x

Thanks x

Ok I hope you're alright then. Don't keep things bottled up though, It may not seem much coming from some random but its coming from experience and its not good, if you have to make changes in youre life so these people don't get to you do it, but don't sit there and let stress build. -random anon x

i always keep things bottled up, its how ive lead my life because i dont attention seek, ive broken down a few times in my life and became depressed so dont you worry about me, most of the stress is coming from school though but thanks x

Hey, Random anon from your Twitter here, I see how you're making a lot of upset tweet? why not talk to them? don't just sit there and feel pain when you could be talking and getting things off your chest :) I may have the wrong end of the stick but i just thought I might just say something :) x

hey, thank you for caring but really it's just stress and everything is getting to me at the moment and the person im talking about, well dont even get me into it, im trying to talk but they really dont give a shit, but still thank you x

What if you saw me naked in your bed? What will you do to me? P.s. I'm a guy

before I start, IF I WAS SINGLE, I'd freak out and maybe do something, idk who you are though so..

What's going on with you and amber

Nothing?:') if you're on about the whole conversation we just had then its just banter:')


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