

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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'I had to get it off my chest' bullshit. You don't admit something like that to get it off your chest.

I was also showing that I love Chris Ahahaa just fuck off idiot

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you have called people on twitter ugly, most of your tweets you call people ugly or unattractive

No, if I'm calling someone ugly then it's someone or something that I hate at my school...it's my thoughts, it's nothing to do with twitter, idiot

I thought you called Chris 'ugly'? Oh no wait, sorry, that's everyone else.

Chris is not. Ugly at all. Nobody is ugly, everyone is beautiful in their own way

opinion on mee .. make it long yeah;) <33

AMBER BABY <3 tbh, you're gorgeous, funny and amazing. I can tell you absolutely anything and not get judged because well no matter what you am compare it to something you've done;) little slut;) but yeah Amber you're lovely and I'm glad that you gave me your number;3 you're just great and you shouldn't have bad thoughts about life, hun, I just love you and our random banter:') <33
Liked by: $tew

If your not happy with the way you look, why do you argue with other people saying they are ugly?? Do you take your low selfasteem issues out on others??

I don't call anyone ugly...Awks...

WOW!!! You're teaching told you the meaning of 'whore'? You live in a rough area. Such a COMMONER!

I don't actually:') like I said it was in the book we were doing an exam about:')

YOU DON'T WANT SEX?!?!?!? Must be that time of month again. Sorry to let all the local boys down :'(

Not that time of month actually, I wouldn't cheat on Chris so...

Yep, you sure would know the meaning of whore.

Yeah it was in a book we were reading at school so our teacher said the true meaning:')

But posting that you were suicidal isn't the type of thing people do like what. Saying that you were suicidal is fucking stupid because it's such a private and personal thing why the fuck would you just post that you don't do that what the fuck are you doing. Ugh you're such a twat it annoys me :(

If you didn't like that I posted that then why are you here? I had to get it off my chest, it was the past anyways

To me a 'Whore' can be a 16 year old who has had sex 2 DIFFERENT guys more then once.

That's not what whore means so

Oh my days. She hasn't had sex on Monday? She's so horny right now and gagging for it. Any local 15-18 year olds in her local area, pop round and she'll give you a quick one for the road. She only charges a packet of Bourbons biscuits and a can of Monster.

I really don't want sex right now:') if I wanted it then I'd be flirting with Chris right now:') but bourbons and monster are amazing:')

Yeah, thats where i saw him hun. ime in college with him. their hugging in the libary right now :/

WELL ISN'T THAT BULLSHIT:') you're pathetic

why would you post that you were suicidal, that's not the type of thing you post publicly you twat

Because I can, it's the Internet, I can do what I want:')

u obviously are tho, thats why u always want people to ask u about ur sex life, your 16 and you try to act about 26, pathetic

I don't try to act anything, I'm aware of my age hun. You're the pathetic one being anon:')


Awks how I'm not on benefits

That fellow isn't affecting you? You just called him a "cunt". That's enough evidence for a lot of lot of hate just there. By the way it's pronounced "fucking" not ducking darling. P.S Please keep the screaming down, I can hear you getting fucked for the 7th time today. Sounds like an older guy now.

Ahaa autocorrect keeps changing fucking to ducking okay:') I haven't had sex since Monday so idk where you've gotten that from:')

Ime sooo sorry. i've just seen chris with another girl hun. :/


You were suicidal? Oh God, ***Attention seeker***. Taking your medication today Hannah? "Anon coward". Well I don't have an 'Ask.fm' account. Sorry to disappoint x x x

I'm not on mess hun, I'm not suicidal anymore because of my Chris:') then what are you doing here then? Say it on twitter coward

why do u admit your suicidal? WOWW attention seeking??

No I was proving that is when I started falling for him more. I'm not attention seeking:')


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