

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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how come u + sophie dont talk now?

Because she's a little two faced, lying, hyprocritical, childish cow and I was sick of it and stood up for myself for a change. That's why:')

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that stupid lots of people have sex with their boyfriend so what the big problem

EXACTLY! its not like ive slept with 100 people and have sex with every person i see just for fun!

what would you change about yourself?

I'd change my emotional state of mind, I'd get rid of the fact that I look annorexic, my home life and I would make my boobs slightly bigger

what did you realise you dont have anymore? random person from twitter aha

the relationship i used to have, the life i used to have, the happiness i used to have

your pathetic cheating on your bf omfg

Cheating on my boyfriend with who exactly?:') I'd never cheat, so fuck off yeah?

is it true that you cheated on ur boyf?

WHAT??!?!?!?! NO. Why would I even think about doing that? He's too good for me anyways so why would I risk loosing him? He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and these rumours need to stop. We love each other, wouldn't dream of loosing each other so why would either of us do something so unloyal and pathetic? If I wasn't happy with him then I would end it with him not go behind his back and cheat on him.

love? hahahah your 16

You have no fucking idea. yes I'm 16 well done, but I am in love. Chris makes me feel alive again, he makes me feel happy, he is one of the only people in the world that can make me laugh and me truly meaning it. He has saved me through a lot of hard times, hes been there when nobody else has and he has always supported me. He's the one that has always been there for me, even when I've put him though shit. I may be young but everyone knows when they have fallen in love with someone, they know when they have found their one. And I have...

who even is this chris person?

WHO?! WHO?! He is the person I'm in love with, the person I will marry, the person that is my everything, thats who.

if you coulddo anything right now what would it be

Cuddle up to Chris with ice cream and a movie on. That seems perfect to me


Language: English